"Payments, Lease to Harford Memorial Hospital";
Section 216A, heading, "County Commissioners",
subheading, "Contributions for Retarded Children",
all of the above being part of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Harford County (1965 Edition, as
amended), and to enact in lieu thereof new Article
1, heading, "In General"; new Article 2, heading,
"Legislative Branch"; new Article 3, heading,
"Executive Branch", said Articles to be added to
Chapter 2, heading, "Administration", of the Harford
County Code (1975). Said Article 1 of Chapter 2 to
provide for a recodification of Sections 210, 211,
212, 213, 215, 216 and 216A of said Code of Public
Local Laws of Harford County (1965 Edition, as
amended). Article 1 to include certain verbatim
Sections of the Charter of Harford County, Maryland,
namely, Section 101, heading, "Body Corporate and
Politic"; Section 102, heading, "Exercise of
Powers"; Section 103, heading, "Name and
Boundaries"; Article 1 to also provide for the
acquisition of real property by the County; the
payment of certain expenses and fees by the County;
lease of land by Harford County; payments to
volunteer fire companies, Harford Memorial Hospital
and contributions for retarded children. Article 2
to provide for a verbatim reproduction of Article
II, heading, "Legislative Branch", Sections 201 to
223 of the Charter of Harford County, Maryland in
said Chapter 2 of the Harford County Code (1975).
Article 3 to provide for a verbatim reproduction of
Article III, heading, "Executive Branch", Sections
301 to 314 of the Charter of Harford County,
Maryland in said Chapter 2 of the Harford County
Code; said Act generally relating to administration
in Harford County, Maryland.
Effective March 28, 1977.
Bill No. 76-108
AN EMERGENCY ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments
Section 3—7, subheading, "Revocation", of Article 4,
heading, "Concerts", of Chapter 3, heading,
"Amusements", of the Harford County Code (1975); to
provide for the revocation of permits and the
utilization of bond monies posted pursuant to
Article 4.
Effective January 3, 1977.
Bill No. 76-123