"Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Committees", to
Chapter 2, heading, "Administration", of the Harford
County Code (1975); said Division 18 to establish a
Council pursuant to State and Federal Law for the
purpose of studying and advising on local health
systems, problems and education of the general
public on health issues; said Council shall be a
component of the Central Maryland Health Systems
Agency, Inc.; and generally related thereto.
Effective December 15, 1976.
Bill No. 76-98
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
13—16(a), heading, "Building Permit Fees", of
Article 2, heading, "Schedule of License and Permit
Fees", all of Chapter 13, heading "Licenses and
Permits", of the Harford County Code (1975); to
provide for certain clarifying language in the
Section and to provide for certain additions to
charges made for permit fees.
Effective March 4, 1977.
Bill No. 76-99
AN EMERGENCY ACT to add new Section 4.052, heading,
"Special Exemption", to subtitle Section IV,
heading, "Requirements for the Subdivision of Land",
of the Harford County Subdivision Regulations (1959
Edition, as amended), providing for an exemption of
subdivisions and individual lots that had been
submitted to the Department of Planning and Zoning
prior to the effective date of Ordinance No. 75—114.
Effective January 3, 1977.
Bill No. 76-100
AN ACT to add new Chapter 23, heading, "Vehicles and
Traffic", to the Harford County Code (1975) and to
add new Article 3, heading, "Commercial Vehicles",
to said Chapter 23 of the Harford County Code
(1975), said Chapter to provide for the regulation
of vehicles and traffic on Harford County roadways
and said Article to provide for restricting or
prohibiting through truck traffic upon certain
highways or alleys under the jurisdiction of Harford