MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 4009
WHEREAS, the State is facing a critical problem of
overcrowding in its correctional system; and
WHEREAS, in the General Construction Loan of 1976
(Chapter 914, Acts of 1976), the General Assembly
appropriated the sum of $3,260,000 for the
construction of Phase II of the Medium Security
Housing Unit at the Maryland Training Center at
Hagerstown, conditioned upon approval by the
Departments of State Planning and General Services
of a master plan developed by the Department of
Public Safety and Correctional Services; and
WHEREAS, such a master plan has been so developed and
approved, which includes this facility as an
integral part of the State's effort to meet the
overcrowding conditions; and
WHEREAS, although that Master Plan is currently being
expanded and updated, the Secretaries of Public
Safety and Correctional Services, State Planning,
and General Services and my Special Assistant for
Criminal Justice Matters have advised me that this
facility is desperately needed and will continue to
be a part of any revisions in the Master Plan; and
WHEREAS, this facility will produce an additional 180
medium security beds; and
WHEREAS, the Department of General Services is now in the
position to commence procedures for the selection of
an architect to prepare detailed plans and
specifications for the project; and
WHEREAS, full compliance with the selection requirements
set forth in Sections 231—0 of Article 41 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland will involve a delay of
several months in the development of the plans and
specifications and will therefore delay the
construction and completion of the project; and
WHEREAS, upon the advice of the aforementioned
Secretaries and my Special Assistant, and from my
own knowledge of the critical overcrowding problem,
I am convinced that such a delay, in this instance,
is not only unwarranted but would be harmful to the
health and general welfare of the citizens of this
State; and
WHEREAS, Section 231Q of Article 41 of the Code
authorizes the General Professional Services