And it is hereby certified that at said election,
285,751 votes were cast for the adoption of said Chapter
554 and 329,929 votes were cast against the adoption of
said Chapter 554, the said Chapter 554 of the Acts of
1976 has therefore failed ratification.
GIVEN Under My Hand and the Seal of the State
Administrative Board of Election Laws of the State of
Maryland, Done at the City of Annapolis, this 23rd day of
November, In the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand, Nine
Hundred and Seventy—Six.
(Seal of State
Administrative Board of
Election Laws)
Willard A. Morris
1976, Chapter 555 — Anne Arundel County — Eminent Domain
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 23—11 of
Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, the State
Administrative Board of Election Laws does hereby certify
that at the General Election held in the State of
Maryland on November 2, 1976, an Act known as Chapter 555
of the Acts of 1976 was submitted to the voters of the
State of Maryland under the provisions of Article XIV of
the Constitution of the State of Maryland, said Act being
as follows;
AN ACT concerning Anne Arundel County - Eminent
Domain. For the purpose of providing, upon approval of
the County Council, that land in Acne Arundel County not
improved with buildings and determined to be necessary
and in immediate need for public use, may be taken by the
County upon payment to the owner or into court of an
amount determined by certain appraisers to be the
property value; requiring additional payment if awarded
by a jury; and submitting this amendment to the qualified
voters of the State of Maryland for their adoption or
And it is hereby certified that at said election,
278,872 votes were cast for the adoption of said Chapter
555 and 3 18,210 votes were cast against the adoption of
said Chapter 555, the said Chapter 555 of the Acts of
1976 has therefore failed ratification.
GIVEN Under My Hand and the Seal of the State
Administrative Board of Election Laws of the State of
Maryland, Done at the City of Annapolis, this 23rd day of
November, In the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand, Nine
Hundred and Seventy—Six.