Senate Pill 1002, which was enacted by the General
Assembly and signed by Lieutenant Governor Blair Lee III
in his capacity as Acting Governor on May 17, 1977,
accomplishes the same purpose.
Therefore it is unnecessary for me to sign House
Bill 1987.
Marvin Mandel
House Bill No. 2121 - Board of Architectural Review -
AN ACT concerning
Board of Architectural Review
FOR the purpose of terminating the existence and duties
of the Board of Architectural Review.
May 26, 1977
Honorable John Hanson Briscoe
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Dear Mr. Speaker:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the
Maryland Constitution, I have today vetoed House Bill
This bill terminates the existence of the Board of
Architectural Review.
The Secretary of General Services has requested that
I veto House Bill 2121. Contrary to the belief of some
persons that the Board is an anachronism, the Secretary
believes that it contributes greatly to the architectural
quality of State buildings. The Board reviews all
architectural designs and drawings and recommends any
changes to the Secretary, if such changes are necessary
to make the proposed buildings functionally, practically,
and aesthetically more suitable for the use intended.
The sponsor of House Bill 2121 has indicated to me that
he does not object to a veto of this measure.