The Secretary of Transportation has advised me that,
in several of these instances, the new term, "person
required to register a vehicle" will not suffice as a
substitute for "resident", and that, if signed. House
Bill 1198 could cause serious problems in the
administration and enforcement of the Vehicle Laws. The
Secretary has assured me, however, that the Department of
Transportation will prepare departmental legislation to
resolve the problem addressed by House Bill 1198 for
introduction in the 1978 session of the General Assembly.
For these reasons, I have vetoed House Bill 1198.
Marvin Mandel
Additional Information on House Bill 1198
A list of Sections that contain either the
word "resident" or "nonresident."
11-128(2)(iii) Definition of "Drive" includes a
"nonresidents privilege"
11-139 Definition of "Nonresident" given
as any person that is not a
"resident" as that term is defined
in this subtitle.
11-140 Defines the term "Nonresident's
Privilege to Drive."
11-149 Definition of "Resident" which
will be eliminated by HB1198.
12-209(b)(1) & (3) Right of appeal from
Administrative hearing. (1)
addresses right of a resident and
(2) addresses right of a
12-301(a)(1) limits issuance of a Special I.D.
card, to a "resident" of this
State. (h) pertains to informing
"residents" about Special ID
12-302(a)(1) limits issuance of an Age of