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Session Laws, 1977
Volume 735, Page 3771   View pdf image
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MARVIN MANDEL, Governor                       3771
FOR the purpose of creating a new sexual offense which
makes it a misdemeanor for a person to expose his genitalia or perform any other similar act under certain circumstances; deleting certain existing references to indecent exposure; and providing for penalties upon conviction.
FOR the purpose of specifying a penalty for persons convicted of the common law crime of indecent exposure. May 26, 1977
Honorable Steny H. Hoyer
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404 Dear Mr. President: In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the
Maryland Constitution, I have today vetoed Senate Bill
54. This bill specifies a penalty for persons convicted
of the common law crime of indecent exposure. House Bill 92, which was enacted by the General
Assembly and signed by lieutenant Governor Blair Lee III
in his capacity as Acting Governor on May 17, 1977,
accomplishes the same purpose. Therefore it is unnecessary for me to sign Senate Bill 54.
Marvin Mandel
Senate Bill No. 106 — Capital Punishment — Death Penalty AN ACT concerning Death - Penalty FOR the purpose of providing penalties for first degree
murder; providing certain factors to be considered
for the imposition of the penalties; requiring that
the sentencing court provide specific written
finding of fact; providing for direct appeal to the

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Session Laws, 1977
Volume 735, Page 3771   View pdf image
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