MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 3047
community health and welfare services.
20(b-2) of Article 15A - Budget and Fiscal Planning, of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1976 Replacement Volume
and 1976 Supplement) be and it is hereby repealed and
reenacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
Article 15A — Budget and Fiscal Planning
(b—2) Beginning with the budget submitted for the
1977 fiscal year and in every fiscal year afterwards, the
Governor shall submit to the General Assembly a listing
of the amount of reduction in the revenues of the State
or the revenues of local government collected by the
State as a result of exemptions from taxation. The
listing shall include an estimate of the revenue lost
from the exemption, the purpose of the exemption, the
persons, organizations or part of the population which
benefit from the exemption, and whether or not the
exemption conflicts with another State program. The
Governor annually shall submit recommendations with
respect to the repeal or amendment of any exemption. The
listing shall include, but not be limited to, the
following revenue sources:
(1) Real property tax—Exemptions in § 9 of Article
(2) Personal property tax—Exemptions in § 9A of
Article 81.
(3) Individual income tax—Subtraction modifications
in § 280 (c) of Article 81.
(4) Individual income tax—Personal exemptions in §
286 of Article 81.
(5) Individual income tax—reductions allowed in
taxpayer's federal adjusted gross income as defined in
the laws of the United States.
(6) Corporate income tax—Subtraction modifications
in § 280A (c) of Article 81.
(7) Corporate income tax—Deductions allowed in
taxpayer's federal adjusted gross income as defined in
the laws of the United States.
(8) Sales and use taxes—Exemptions in §§ 326 and
375 of Article 81.
(9) Tobacco tax—Exemptions in §§ 326 and 375 of
Article 81.
(10) Liquor tax—Exemptions in §§ 131—133 of Article