counties shall commence on the first Monday of June next
ensuing their appointment,
[1.] 7.
[(b)] Sections 1, 2, 3, [4,] and [11] 5 of this
Article do not apply or refer to members of any elective
local board of education.
[4.] 8.
If at any election directed by this Constitution,
any two or more candidates shall have the highest and an
equal number of votes, a new election shall be ordered by
the Governor, except in cases specially provided for by
this Constitution.
[13. ] 9.
In the event of any inconsistency between the
provisions of this Article and any of the other
provisions of the Constitution, the provisions of this
Article shall prevail, and all other provisions shall be
repealed or abrogated to the extent of such
[Vote on the Constitution.
For the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the
people of this State, in regard to the adoption, or
rejection of this Constitution, the Governor shall issue
his Proclamation within five days after the adjournment
of this Convention, directed to the Sheriffs of the City
of Baltimore, and of the several Counties of this State,
commanding them to give notice, in the manner now
prescribed by Law in reference to the election of members
of the House of Delegates, that an election for the
adoption or rejection of this Constitution, will be held
in the City of Baltimore, and in the several Counties of
this State, on Wednesday, the Eighteenth day of
September, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven,
at the usual places of holding elections for members of
the House of Delegates in said City and Counties. At the
said election the vote shall be by ballot, and upon each
ballot, there shall be written or printed the words "For
the Constitution", or "Against the Constitution," as the
voter may elect; and the provisions of the Laws of this
State, relating to the holding of general election for
members of the House of Delegates, shall, in all respects
apply to, and regulate the holding of the said election.
It shall be the duty of the Judges of Election, in said
City, and in the several Counties of the State, to
receive, accurately count, and duly return the number of
ballots, so cast for, or against the adoption of this
Constitution, as well as any blank ballots, which may be
cast, to the several Clerks of the Circuit Courts of this
State, and to the Clerk of the Superior Court of
Baltimore City, in the manner now prescribed by Law, in