Ch. 671
(1) Renovation of the Center
Core of 5 wards............... 1,300,000
Total - Aged and Chronically Ill
Services Administration................. 1,528,000
(2) Mental Hygiene Administration:
(a) Eastern Shore Hospital Center
(Dorchester County):
(1) Construction of an Upper
Shore Comprehensive Mental
Health Center, Chestertown,
Kent County
Construction................ 5,500,000
Utilities................... 280,000
Site improvements........... 275,000
Total - Eastern Shore Hospital Center..... 6,055,000
(b) Springfield Hospital Center
(Carroll County):
(1) Phase II of improvements to
steam and water lines to
Warfield Division, Geriatric's
Building and Men's "L"
Building...................... 600,00 0
Total - Springfield Hospital Center....... 600,000
(c) Spring Grove Hospital Center
(Baltimore County):
(1) Study and preparation of de-
tailed plans and specifications
to correct deficiencies in the
underground steam distribution
system, and Phase I construc-
tion of the correction pro-
Study and planning.......... 25,000
Phase I construction........ 525,000
(2) Phase II of the replacement
of the outdoor electrical
distribution system........... 960,000
(3) Renovation of the patient
dormitories and bathrooms
of one of the Brick Cot—