determine alleged offenses under this section.]
Every person who shall be convicted of the crime of
receiving any stolen money, goods, or chattels, to the
value of one hundred dollars or upwards, knowing the same
to be stolen, or of the crime of receiving any bond, bill
obligatory, bill of exchange, promissory note for the
payment of money, bank note, paper bill of credit or
certificate granted by or under the authority of this
State, or the United States, or any of them, to the value
of one hundred dollars or upwards, knowing the same to be
stolen, shall restore such money, goods, or chattels or
thing taken and received to the owner thereof, or make
restitution to the value of the whole or such part
thereof as shall not be restored, and [shall be] IS
guilty of a felony, and upon conviction [be sentenced to
undergo confinement in the penitentiary, or in the house
of correction, or in jail, in the discretion of the court
imposing sentence,] IS SUBJECT TO IMPRISONMENT for not
more than ten years. And such receiver may be
prosecuted and punished, although the principal offender
or offenders shall not have been convicted, and although
such receiver shall have received such money, goods or
chattels or things from a person other than the person by
whom such money, goods or chattels or things shall have
been stolen. [In Baltimore City and Anne Arundel County,
where the amount of money or the value of the thing
received does not exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00),
the Municipal Court of Baltimore City and People's Court
of Anne Arundel County shall have jurisdiction to try
persons charged with violating this section, provided
that persons so convicted in the Municipal Court or
People's Court shall not be sentenced to the penitentiary
by that court.]
If any person shall be apprehended having upon him
any picklock, key, crow, jack, bit, or other implement,
at places and under circumstances from which an intent
may be presumed feloniously to break and enter into any
dwelling house, warehouse, storehouse, stable or
outhouse, or shall have upon him any pistol, hanger,
cutlass, bludgeon, or other offensive weapon, also at
places and under circumstances from which may be presumed
an intent feloniously to assault any person, or shall be
found in or upon any dwelling house, warehouse,
storehouse, stable or outhouse, or in any enclosed yard
or garden or area belonging to any house, with an intent
to steal any goods or chattels, every such person shall
be deemed a rogue and vagabond, and on being convicted
thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be
sentenced to imprisonment for not more than three years.
[The Municipal Court of Baltimore City shall have
concurrent jurisdiction with the Criminal Court of
Baltimore City to try persons charged with violating this