MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 1441
article, and the liquor seized under this section is to
be used as evidence in such trial, the hearing must take
place in not more than thirty days if [such] THE court is
then in session, and if it be not in session, within
thirty days from the date when it is next in session.
If at the time appointed for trial the returns have not
been properly made, or for other sufficient cause, the
trial may be postponed to a further date not more than
fifteen days beyond said thirty days.
20, 40(b)(1), (m)(1), (g)(1), and (x)(1) of Article 10 -
Attorneys at Law and Attorneys in Fact, of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1976 Replacement Volume and 1976
Supplement) be and they are hereby repealed and
reenacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
Article 10 — Attorneys at Law and Attorneys in Fact
No attorney, during the time of his suspension or
disbarment, [shall] MAY practice law in this State in any
form either as principal or agent, clerk, or employee of
another and specifically, without limiting the
aforegoing, no such attorney during his suspension or
disbarment from practice of law [shall] MAY appear as
attorney or counsellor at law before any court, judge,
[justice,] board, commission, or public officer[,] or
prepare any will, mortgage, or deed.
(b) In Allegany County, (1) the State's Attorney's
salary shall be not less than $12,000, in the discretion
of the Board of County Commissioners. During his terms
of office, the State's Attorney, except in connection
with and in performance of his duties as the State's
Attorney, may not appear as counsel or represent any
party professionally before any court, [magistrate,]
board, commission, or agency of this State or any county
or political subdivision of this State. It is intended
by the provisions herein that the State's Attorney may
not engage in the private practice of law in any matter
(m) In Harford County, (1) the State's Attorney's
salary shall be eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000.00)
per annum. Beginning and after the term of State's
Attorney elected in the month of November, 1974, the
salary of the State's Attorney shall be $25,000.00.
Beginning as of January 1, 1975, the State's Attorney,
during his term in office, shall not, except in
connection with and in the performance of his duties as
such State's Attorney, appear as counsel or represent any
party professionally before any court, [magistrate,]
board, commission, or agency of this State or any county
or political subdivision of this State; it is intended by