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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 893   View pdf image
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MARVIN MANDEL, Governor                               893

as follows:

Article 31B - Defective Delinquents


(a) The director is the chief administrative
officer of the Patuxent Institution, and shall be a
trained, able and competent ADMINISTRATOR [psychiatrist
with at least five years' experience in the practice or
teaching of psychiatry]. The director holding office at
the time of the passage of this section shall continue to
hold office at the pleasure of the Secretary of Public
Safety and Correctional Services. Any successor as
director shall be appointed by the Secretary of Public
Safety and Correctional Services from a list of three
nominees proposed to the Secretary by a special committee
composed of the professor of psychiatry at the Medical
School of the University of Maryland, the professor of
psychiatry of the Medical School of the Johns Hopkins
University, the deputy secretary for correctional
services, and the chairman of the board of Patuxent
Institution. The Secretary may reject any list of three
nominees and request another list. Three members of the
special committee, in the absence of the full committee
may act for the committee. The director shall receive a
salary as fixed in the budget[ , which shall not be less
than $15,000 annually].

shall take effect July 1, 1976.

Approved May 4, 1976.

(Senate Bill 780)

AN ACT concerning

Carroll County — Fireman

FOR the purpose of giving the sheriff in Carroll County
authority to appoint deputies in any fire department
in Carroll County to function as fire police in
certain cases; generally relating to the fire police
in Carroll County; and clarifying language.

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,

Article 87 - Sheriffs

Section 53(b)

Annotated Code of Maryland


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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 893   View pdf image
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