American Federation of State, County and Municipal
Employees, Local 582, affiliated with Maryland
Public Employees Council 67.
Approved April 11, 1975.
Bill No. 30-75
AN ORDINANCE to repeal and re—enact, with amendments,
Section 17-706 of the Anne Arundel County Code (1967
Edition and Supplements), Title 17, "Taxation",
Subtitle 7, "Miscellaneous Taxes", to levy and
impose a sales or use tax upon fuels (commonly known
as a "fuel tax") used by commercial and industrial
businesses; to provide for the rate and collection
of said tax; to provide interest and penalties for
failure to comply with the provision of said section
and violations thereof; and to provide generally for
matters relating to said tax.
WHEREAS, the statutory authority for Section 17-706
of the Anne Arundel County Code; namely, Chapter 853 of
the Acts of 1973 applies only during the period July 1,
1973 to July 1, 1975; and
WHEREAS, the General Assembly, by Chapter 616 of the
Acts of 1975, has provided statutory authority to Anne
Arundel County for a fuel tax effective from and after
July 1, 1975, as therein set forth; and
WHEREAS, it is desired to exercise said powers
granted by Chapter 616 of the Acts of 1975 with respect
to said tax; now, therefore,
Approved June 3, 1975.
Bill No. 31-75
AN ORDINANCE to re-enact, with amendments, Section 17-707
of the Anne Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and
Supplements), Title 17, "Taxation", Subtitle 7,
"Miscellaneous Taxes", to levy and impose a tax on
gross receipts of hotels and motels paid by
transient guests, and to establish the rate and
method of collection thereof; to provide penalties
for violation of this Section; and matters generally
related thereto.
Approved May 23, 1975.