Bill No. 6-75
AN ORDINANCE to repeal and re—enact, with amendments,
Section 1-209 of the Anne Arundel County Code (1967
Edition and Supplements), Title 1, "Administration",
Subtitle 2, "Personnel", Article II, "Classified
Service", to make Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday
a legal holiday for all County employees in the
classified service except uniformed officers of the
Police and Fire Departments; to provide fifteen (15)
additional work days of annual leave each year in
lieu of holidays for uniformed officers of the
Police and Fire Departments; to re-number the
various subsections of said Section; and matters
generally related thereto.
Approved January 21, 1975.
Bill No. 10-75
AN ORDINANCE to repeal and re—enact, with amendments,
Section 1 of Bill No. 81-67, as last amended by Bill
No. 85-74, legalizing Supplements Nos. 20, 7-74 and
21, 10-74, to the Anne Arundel County Code (1967
Edition), as prepared and published by the Municipal
Code Corporation, Tallahassee, Florida, and making
it evidence of the law of Anne Arundel County,
Approved February 20, 1975.
Bill No. 14-75
AN ORDINANCE to amend the Charter of Anne Arundel County,
Maryland, by repealing and re—enacting, with
amendments, Section 208(c) thereof, Article II,
"The County Council", to provide for the
cancellation and rescheduling of monthly legislative
session days by the Chairman of the County Council
at the request of any three (3) members of the
Council, due to inclement weather or other natural
disaster; to submit said amendment to the qualified
voters of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, for their
adoption or rejection; and matters generally related
Approved March 3, 1975.