entirety Section 23 of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Harford County (1965 Edition, 1971 Supplement and
Amendments thereto), title "Harford County",
subtitle "Aberdeen", and enacting new Section 23 to
stand in its place, changing the provisions of the
municipal charter governing the general borrowing
power of The Commissioners of Aberdeen by
specifically authorizing the Commissioners to borrow
money for any public purpose and to evidence that
borrowing by the issuance and sale of bonds or bond
anticipation notes in the manner prescribed by state
law relating generally to borrowing by Maryland
municipal corporations, and further providing that
the bonds or notes may be sold at private sale in
the discretion of the Commissioners, and specifying
the authority of the Commissioners to regulate any
work, plant or system financed with the proceeds of
the sale of such bonds or notes.
[Section 23 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Harford County, Repealed. Section 23 added.
Effective Date December 9, 1975]
A Resolution of the Commissioners of Aberdeen, adopted
pursuant to the authority and provisions of Article
XI-E of the Constitution of Maryland and of Article
23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition,
as amended), to repeal and re—enact, with
amendments, Section 4 of Article 13 of the Public
Local Laws of Maryland, Harford County Code (1965
Edition, as amended), title "Harford County",
subtitle "Aberdeen", providing for the filing of
certificates of candidacy for the office of
Commissioner of Aberdeen within a certain period
prior to an election and prescribing the method of
withdrawing a candidacy; requiring nomination by
twenty registered voters and a filing fee of $25.00;
establishing twenty—one years of age and three years
of residency within the corporate limits of Aberdeen
as minimum requisites for qualifying as a candidate;
providing that candidates must be registered voters
of Aberdeen at the time of filing; providing that a
vacancy shall be filled for the balance of the term;
providing for the effect of candidacy or election
upon present or retired employees; and generally
clarifying the language and renumbering the
subsections as appropriate.
[Section 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Harford County, repealed and reenacted, with amendments.