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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 2859   View pdf image
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intention to withdraw from the program, thereby reducing
the available outlets for the sale of the stamps. This
could only serve to inconvenience the people in the

In addition, there is some question as to whether
the requirements of House Bill 1978 are consistent with
the overriding federal statute and regulations. To the
extent that they may be construed as placing additional
restrictions on the issuance of food stamps, these
requirements would be invalid unless approved by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture.

Finally, I am advised by the Department of Human
Resources that the Congress is currently considering
legislation that would restructure the food stamp program
with respect to record keeping and reporting by vendors.

In light of all of this, I do not believe that the
State should become further involved in the
administration of the program at this time. This bill
may well result, not only in confusing and conflicting
regulations, but in considerable inconvenience to those
selling and receiving food stamps.

For these reasons, I have decided to veto House Bill

Marvin Mandel

House Bill No. 2080 — Expungement of
Criminal Records

AN ACT concerning

Expungement of Criminal Records -
Probation before Judgment

FOR the purpose of providing for expungement of police
and court records in certain circumstances in
criminal cases where a judgment of probation
[[before]] on stay of entry of judgment is entered.

May 17, 1976.
Honorable John Hanson Briscoe
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House


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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 2859   View pdf image
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