WHEREAS, The Department of Fiscal Services has
prepared, under the supervision of the Joint Budget and
Audit Committee, a paper—"Analysis and Evaluation of the
Statewide Budget Procedures"—setting forth in detail
alternative budget procedures for consideration by the
General Assembly; and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly's ongoing
self-examination should be directed to the study of the
legislative role in the process by which the State budget
and programs are developed, approved, and executed and of
the manner in which the Legislature oversees the laws
that it enacts. The study should result in a
recommendation of a process by which the General
Assembly's fiscal and nonfiscal committees coordinate
periodic reviews designed to guarantee that the State's
programs are achieving intended results and delivering
intended services to intended beneficiaries in an
effective and efficient manner and that the State's
agencies and departments are accountable to the General
Assembly and the public; now, therefore, be it
the Policy Committee direct [[a review of the budget
process and]] an analysis of the report of the Joint
Budget and Audit Committee entitled "Analysis and
Evaluation of Statewide Procedures" and a review of
legislative oversight and issue a written report to the
General Assembly with its findings, including such
proposed legislation and rules as are necessary to
implement its findings, by no later than December 1,
1976; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Speaker of the House of Delegates
and President of the Senate, after receiving
recommendations from the Joint Budget and Audit
Committee, the Joint Committee on Administrative,
Executive and Legislative Review, the House Committee on
Appropriations, and the Senate Committee on Budget and
Taxation, appoint members of the General Assembly,
employees of the State, and representatives of the public
as they deem necessary to assist in the preparation of
this report.
*Not signed by the Governor.