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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 2731   View pdf image
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where appropriate the following factors:

(1) Measures of program output and cost such as:

(i) number of persons served or units


(ii) cost per person or cost per unit; and

(iii) comparison of effort, costs, and results
with similar programs in other jurisdictions and in the
private sector; and

(2) Measure of effectiveness such as:

(i) benefits to individuals served, such as
health improved or earning capacity increased; and

(ii) benefits to the public, such as revenue
generated or crimes, accidents or illness reduced; and be
it further

RESOLVED, That beginning with the 1977 fiscal year,
meaningful statistical measures of the type described in
this Resolution be developed for each State program in
order to facilitate program evaluation; and that
procedures be developed for obtaining and utilizing data
for programs for which no data currently exist or which
no data are available to the proper State agencies; and
be it further

RESOLVED, That maximum utilization   for the purposes

outlined in this Resolution be      made of program

information required by federal or      other reporting
requirements; and be it further

RESOLVED, [[That the Governor is requested to submit
with the budget bill a detailed list from each
department, agency, commission or board of the programs,
positions and costs which it would elect to eliminate,
reduce, increase, or add if its budget were]] That, the
Governor is requested to submit with the next budget

bill, or within ten days of submission thereof, a

detailed list, with detailed justification, from the

demonstration department or agency, of the programs and

positions which it would elect to eliminate, reduce,

increase, or add if its budget were:

(1)    Reduced in operating administrative and
formula-funded components by approximately ten percent
of the amount appropriated in the current fiscal year;

(2)    Increased by approximately ten percent of the
amount appropriated in the current fiscal year; and be it

RESOLVED, That it is the intention of this Body that
this list should be accompanied by a plan for the


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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 2731   View pdf image
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