WHEREAS, The Short Range/Long Range Plan also stated
that one of the four goals of the Office of Development
Planning is to assist localities in Maryland to undertake
a process of goal and objective setting and that one of
the objectives of its Field Liaison Office is to prepare
the foundation of continually refined economic
development goals and targets for both State and substate
levels; and
WHEREAS, The Short Range/Long Range Plan of the
Office also stated that the quality of economic
development planning at the substate level must be
described as spotty and inadequate, and that Maryland
lags behind those states who over the last decade have
subregionalized for planning and development purposes
with a consistent pattern of missions and standards. The
Plan also stated that although Department of Economic and
Community Development has some monitoring role with
Tri—County Western Maryland and with the Delmarva
Advisory Council, it has not a clearly defined or
accepted role with regard to other regional organizations
or with the individual counties. Nor does it now have
the grant or loan program that might provide the
necessary "carrot" to enforce development planning
standards; now, therefore, be it
the Department of Economic and Community Development be
encouraged in its efforts to establish overall goals for
the economic development of the State of Maryland on a
county and regional basis and to assist substate
organizations in the formulation of economic development
goals and objectives, and that the Department, as an
integral part of the impact analysis phase of Maryland's
Statewide Economic Development Flan, establish a program
to continually monitor and evaluate the success of
efforts by State government, government of local
subdivisions, public and private economic development
groups, and if feasible, major corporations, to meet
Statewide economic development goals and objectives and
furthermore, that the Department report to the Senate
Economic Affairs Committee and House Economic Matters
Committee during the first week of every regular session
of the General Assembly on its progress toward
establishment of such a monitoring and evaluation program
and on the progress that has been made to assist local
and other economic development groups to establish
specific goals and objectives concerning economic
development: and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to
the Governor of Maryland, the Secretary of Economic and
Community Development, the Secretary of State Planning,
the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
Approved April 13, 1976.