(3) recommendations for the general
circulation pattern for the area including land, water,
and air transportation and communication facilities
whether used for movement within the area or to and from
adjoining areas;
(4) recommendations concerning the need for
and proposed general location of public and private works
and facilities which by reason of their function, size,
extent, or for any other cause are of a regional as
distinguished from purely local concern;
(5) recommendations for the long range
programming and financing of capital projects and
(6) recommendations for meeting housing
needs of existing and prospective immigrant population of
the Region;
(7) recommendations for the development of
programs and improvements within the region for health
services, manpower planning, employment opportunity,
education, elimination of poverty, and law enforcement;
(8) such other recommendations as it may
deem appropriate concerning current and impending
problems as may affect the Region.
(h) Adoption of plan. (1) Before the general
development plan, or any part thereof, shall be adopted,
it shall be submitted to the Department of State Planning
and to the local planning commission, and governing body
of each governmental subdivision within the Region, not
less than sixty days prior to a public hearing, Notice
of the hearing shall be given by publication in
newspapers of general circulation in each of the three
counties comprising the Council, at least once per week
for a period of three weeks prior to the hearing. The
Department of State Planning may make recommendations to
the Council, on or before the date of said hearing, for
its modification where deemed necessary to achieve
conformity with state plans and policies. Each local
planning commission and governing body of each
governmental subdivision within the Region may make
recommendations to the Council with respect to the effect
of the plan within its governmental subdivision on or
before the date of said hearing;
(2) upon adoption of the general development
plan by the Council after public hearing, the Council
shall not establish any policies or take any action which
is not in conformity therewith;
(3) the general development plan may be
amended in the same manner as provided for the original