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members of the Council shall be selected by the Governor
solely by reason of their demonstrated interest in the
broad range of higher education, their knowledge and
understanding of its needs and problems and their
devotion to its cause, but not more than two members
shall have attended the same institution of higher
learning. Each member shall be appointed for a term of
six years from the first Monday in June in the year of
his appointment; provided that of the initial
appointments three shall be for terms ending the first
Monday of June, 1966, three shall be for terms ending the
first Monday of June, 1968, and three shall be for terms
ending the first Monday of June, 1970, respectively.
Each member shall serve until his successor qualifies and
shall be eligible for reappointment. In the case of any
vacancies the Governor shall appoint a successor to the
unexpired term.
(a—1) The four members added to the Council in 1968
shall be appointed by the Governor from persons having
qualifications similar to those in subsection (a), except
that one shall be a representative of the University of
Maryland, nominated by the board of regents of the
University of Maryland, one shall be a representative of
the State colleges nominated by the board of trustees of
the State colleges, one shall be a member of the State
board responsible for community colleges, and one shall
be a representative of the several private institutions
of higher education in this State. Of the first four
persons appointed under this subsection, one shall be
appointed for a term of three years, one for a term of
four years, one for a term of five years, and one for a
term of six years.
(b) The members of the Council shall serve without
compensation but shall be paid their reasonable and
necessary expenses when engaged in the discharge of their
official duties in accordance with the standard travel
(c) The Maryland Council for Higher Education
shall be the State postsecondary education commission
under Title XII, Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended
by Part L of Public Law 92-318.]
[ 29.
(a) The Council shall meet regularly at such times
and places as it determines. Each member shall have an
equal vote on all matters before the Council, and a
majority of the Council shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. An accurate and complete
record shall be kept of all meetings. The Council shall
select its own chairman and, subject to the provisions of
this subtitle, it may make all necessary and proper rules
for the transaction of its business and the performance
of its functions.