Volume 730, Page 18 View pdf image |
Novemr. Court 1700 [24] To which Action noe body Appearing to Shew Cause why A Chest of ye Said Joseph Phillott Attached by ye Sherf. for ye Satisfaction of ye Afsd. Debt and ye Costs Accrewing upon ye Same Judgement is Awarded for ye Said Plaint. to have Execution against ye Same for Satisfaction as A[fsd] Therefore it is Considered by ye Court here this Day Vizt. ye 28 day of Novemr. Anno Domi. 1700 That ye Said plaint. Morgan Jones have Execution against ye Said Chest & what is therein contained belonging to ye Said Defendant Joseph Phillot for Satisfactcon of his debt & Cost of Suite Jno Dowdall Clk
The Defendants in ye above foure Actions were Continued in ye Sherf. Custody for want of baile
The Court Adjournes till to morrow morning Seven A Clock Nor. 29. The Court mett According to Adjournment
After ye Court Called and Sett comes Leiut. Coll. Thomas Smith who Takes his place The Court proceeds to Laying ye County Leavy
Volume 730, Page 18 View pdf image |
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