Volume 728, Page 34 View pdf image |
34 Ex.d This Indenture made this Twentieth day of November in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Two between Clement Hollyday Nathaniel Ramsey & Gabriel Duvall Commissioners appointed to preserve Confiscated British property of the one part and Daniel Jenifer of Charles County Physician of the Other part Whereas the Aforesaid Commissioners by an Act Entitled An Act for the Sale of Certain Confiscated British property pledged for the Redemption of Cer and and act entitled an Act to postpone the Sale of Certain Confiscated British prop.ty for the redepmt.n of Certificates were directed to lay off Monococy manor in Frederick County in Convenient Lotts and the same to Sell at Public Sale and the Said Commissioners did by virtue and in pursuance of the Said Acts and in Conformity to the Directions thereof sell the same on the Tenth Day of September last past at which said sale the Aforesaid Daniel Jenifer became the Purchase of Lot Number Twenty six being part of the Said Manor he being the Highest Bidder therefor at & for the Sum of Five hundred and forty Pounds Specie Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the aforesaid Clement Hollyday Nathaniel Ramsey and Gabriel Duvall for and in Consideration of the Aforesaid Sum of Five hundred and forty Pounds to the Commissioners aforesaid paid before the Sealing and Delivery of these presents Have Granted bargained and Sold Released Enfeoffed and Confirmed & by these presents Do Grant bargain Sell release Enfeoff and Confirm unto the Aforesaid Daniel Jenifer the Aforesaid Lot Number Twenty Six beginning at a Bounded White Oak Tree the Original beginning of said Lot and running thence North Thirty five Degrees East One hundred and Ten Perches Then South Forty two Degrees East Seventy three Perches Then North thirty two Degrees East Two perches Then South Forty three Degrees East Eighty eight perches Then South Thirty four degrees West One hundred and Ninety ^four^ Perches Then North Sixteen degrees West Eighty four perches then North Twenty six perches Then West Twenty Perches then by a Straight Line to the beginning Containing One hundred and Fifty three acres more or less (Saving the right of Johannes Bergh to the Aforesaid Lot or a part of it if any Such there be under a Lease Granted to him on the Twenty fifty day of February Anno Domini One thousand Seven hundred and forty three by Thomas Bladen and Benjamin Tasker on behalf of the then proprietor of the said Manor) Together with all and Singular the Advantages Hereditaments Privileges and Appurtenances to the Same belonging or in any wise appurtaining & also all the right Title & Estate Interest ^Property^ Claim & Demand of them the Said Clement Hollyday Nathaniel Ramsey and Gabriel Duvall as Commissioners aforesaid and all the Estate right title & Interest of Henry Harford Esquire of Great Britain or any Other Person Claiming under the Late Lord Baltimore previous to the act entitled an Act to Seize Confiscate and appropriate all British property within this State and Reversion & Reversions remainder & Remainders rents Issues and profits thereof and every part and Parcel Thereof To have and to hold the Lot of Ground Aforesaid with all and Singular the premises and Appurtenances to him the Said Daniel Jenifer (Saving the right Aforesaid his heirs and Assigns for ever In Witness whereof the Parties to these presents have hereunto Set their hands & affixed their Seals the day and Year first Above Written Clement Hollyday (seal) Signed Sealed and Delivered Nat Ramsey (s) In presence of Al Hanson G Duvall (seal) |
Volume 728, Page 34 View pdf image |
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