Volume 717, Page 627 View pdf image |
617) 627 This Indenture made the fourth day of May in the fifth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraine Lord & Lady William & Mary by the grace of God King & Queen of England Scotland France and Ireland Defenders of the Faith &c.a and in the yeare of our Lord God 1693 Between Isaac Payne son & heir of Thomas Payne Lett of S.t Geroms in the County of S.t Maryes of the one part and John Attkey of the clifts in Calvert County M.rchant of the other part Witnesseth That the said Isaac Payne for and in consideracon of the full sume & just quantity of Twenty thousand pounds of good sound M.rchantable leafe Tobacco & caske to containe the same to him in hand well & truly paid by the sd John Attkey at or before the ensealing & Deliver of these presents the Receipt whereof the said Isaac Payne doth hereby acknowledge & himselfe to be fully sattisfied therewith contented & paid & thereof & every part thereof doth hereby acquitt exonerate and discharge the said John Attkey his heires Executors Administrators & Assignes and every of them by these Presents Hath given granted aliened Bargained & sold Enfeoffed & Confirmed and by these p.rsents doth fully clearly and absolutely give grant alien Bargaine sell Enfeoffe & confirme and to the said John Attkey his heires & assignes for ever All that tract or p.rcell of Land called Paynes Lott scituate Lying & being in Chesepeake Bay and on the Easterne side of the said Bay in the County of Baltemore and in a River of the said Bay called Sassafrax River on the North side of the sd River Begining at a marked white oake standing on a point at the mouth of a Creeke called Henn Island Creeke being the Eastermost bounded tree of a tract of Land formerly taken up by John Collect and runing from the sd tree cross the mouth of the sd Creeke Northeast & by North Northerly Sixty p.rches unto a marked water oake standing on a point on the East side of the sd Creeke being the Westermost bounded tree of a tract of Land formerly taken up by Miles Vrisonswead Bounded on the said oake by a line drawne North & by east three hundred & twenty p.rches unto a marked white oake standing Nigh the head of of a Branch of the afforesaid Creeke bounding on the sd oake by a line drawne East one hundred & Fifty p.rches unto a Marked white oake standing by the side of a Branch of a Creeke called Harbour Creeke bounding on the said oake by a line drawne North Two hundred and thirty p.rches bounded on the said North line by a line drawne West Two hundred fourty & four p.rches Bounded on the sd West line by a line drawne South five hundred Ninety four p.rches unto the first bounded tree containing and now laid out for four hundred & eighty acres more or less Togeather with all Messuages Tenements Dwelling houses outhouses Barnes Stables Edifices buildings Tobacco houses yards Gardens orchards & back sides with theire & every of their appurtenances with all Rights Proffitts & benefitts thereunto belonging or in any wise app.rteyning and all timber timber trees waies passages woods underwoods Easements Comodities hereditements & appurtenances whatsoever to the sd parcell of Land of four hundred & Eighty acres & all and singular other the p.rmisses belonging or in any wise appertaining the Reversion & Reversions Remainder & Remainders Rent issues & profitts whatsoever of all and singular the before mentioned to be hereby Bargained premisses with theire & Every of their appurtenances & every part & parcell thereof Togeather alsoe with all deeds writeings Evidences Chirographies of fines Examplifications of Recoveries Escripts Boundaries & Minuments whatsoever touching or concerning the said premisses or any part or parcell thereof To have & To hold the sd Parcell of Land & all |
Volume 717, Page 627 View pdf image |
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