Volume 717, Page 624 View pdf image |
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624 (614 Discovery of the p.rmisses It is hereby also further ordered that the sd Edward Mann in the comission hee is to be impowered to sweare the sd appraisers hee be likewise thereby authorized to call & cause to come before him the sd James And.rson and John Cape and all other p.rsons haveing in theire custody any of the sd shipps Tackle apparell or furniture &c.a to give and render an account upon theire oathes to bee Administred also by the sd M.r Mann of what part of the sd shipp sayles rigging furniture &c.a they have possessed themselves or how or to whom sold or disposed of and where the same are that soe the same may bee arrested and brought to the appraisors hereby before especially nominated and appointed and the sd Edward Mann is hereby also ordered after hee hath sworne the sd Apprais.r to deliver them their warrant and to give Notice to the sd James Anderson and John Cape of the tyme & place when & where the sd appraism.t shall be made soe that they or either of them may be then & there present if to them it shall seeme meet And for the better discovery and understanding of what is justly due to the sd Comp.lts for their sd wages and what dayes & places they were shipped at & at what rates by the Month by their contracts with the sd Charles Partis or any the owners Itt is also hereby further ordered that the sd Comp.lts make oath before this Court to their Severall Contracts & what wages is justly to them save only Andrew Barnes who being not p.rsent in Court it is ordered that he make his oath touching the same before the sd Edward Mann and It is likewise ordered thereupon that the sd Comp.lts bee paid their sd wages according to their oathes out of the product of the sale of the sd shipp Tackle furniture &c.a deducting thereout what disbursm.t M.r Cape the M.rchant shall make appeare to have payd unto them or any of them and Lastly it is Ordered and Decreed that what of the produce of the sale of the sd shipp &c.a shall remaine after the sd Comp.lts wages Damages and Costs payd discharged & deducted as afsd or what has been payd to the seamen as afsd by the sd Cape being all made out of the Cargoe the same shall be Lodged and deposited in the hands of William Sharpe of Talbott County M.rchant here appeareing for the interest of the owners for the use of the owners hee the sd William Sharpe giveing security to pay or bee accountable to them for the same David Mills Sworne saith that he was shipped in Leith upon wages of 36.sc 6.d p month the 28 of Octob 1690 & soe continued till the 15 May Following from thence was a Gunner to be allowed 50.sc p month John Grosse sworne sayth hee entred into full pay as steward aboard the shipp the 26.th September 1690 at 50.sc p month M.r Cape alledges that he left order for the paym of five shillings a Week to the deponents wife w.ch hee knowth not but may be paid ordered that 20.sc p month part of the sd 50.sc bee reserved in M.r Capes hands to bee made good to the sd deponent in case the wife have not received the same allowing alsoe M.r Cape his Disbursm.ts for him James Robertson sayth that the 23.d day of October 1690 hee was shipt aboard the shipp Ann of Newcastle at 55.sc p month of w.ch hee reced a month pay at home & some acc.ts there are betwixt them & the M.rchant w.ch they must make upp between them that on the 30.th January 1691 the Master Cap.t Partis promised to make even mony & allowe him a Crowne more for pilotage Afterwards the Justices of the Court afsd did adjourne theire Comiss.on to the thirteenth day of December Next and the same day was given to the parties aforesaid Att which day came the sd Comp.lts by their procurato.rs afsd & prayed to have their wages afsd Damages & Costs afsd ascertayned & taked the sd shipp being appraised and hath been Exposed to sale & that the same may bee to them secured by the purchasors And the sd appraisors made a Returne to this Court in a schedule of the goods & furniture &c.a of the sd shipp under the hands & seales of Andrew Tonnard Thom Boarman |
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Volume 717, Page 624 View pdf image |
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