Volume 717, Page 600 View pdf image |
600 (590 of as good and vallid for ever all and whatsoever his said Attorney or his substitutes shall Lawfully doe or cause to be done in and about the p.rmisses by vertue of these p.rsents In Witnesse whereof the said constituent hath hereunto sett his hand and seale Thus done and passed in London aforesaid in the p.rsence of the Wittnesses hereunto subscribed Sealed and delivered in the Jn.o Shelton (sealed) presence of In testimonium veritatis Signum et Sigillum Rob.t Ungle Tabellionatus mei apposui Regatus Jn.o Harris Josi Jones Nots Pub.us Jn.o Coode Int.r 23.d Decemb 1692 By the Prov.ll Court 27 September 1692 Upon mocon made to this Court it manifestly appeared that Henry Lawrence of S.t Maryes County by force and armes &c made forceble entry into and upon the peaceably and quiett possession of Elizabeth Connant Widow of and in a certaine messuage plantation and houseing thereupon scituate Lyeing and being in S.t Georges Hundred in S.t Maryes County wherein one John Addison lately dwelt and the same doth hold and unjustly detaine Ordered therefore by the Court that you John Watson and Edward Greenhalgh Two of theire Maj.ties Justices of the peace of the sd County Together with such power and Strength of the said County as you shall see convenient take with you and enter into and upon the afsd houseing plantation land and p.rmisses and take the same into your possession and the same peaceable and quiett pocession you surrender and deliver up unto Thomas Hebb to hold to him for the onely use and bhoofe of the sd Elizabeth Connant and you the sd John Watson and Edward Greenhalch are hereby and by the sd court given full power and authority to act and doe and about the p.rmisses as full & amply as by law you may or ought to doe To M.r John Watson and signed p order W Taylard Clk M.r Edward Greenhalch The Execucon of this precept appeares by the Inquisicon hereto annexed Octob.r 24.th 1692 Jo.n Watson Edw.d Greenhalgh An Inquisition for our Soveraign Lord & Lady King William & Queen Mary taken at the house of William Whirret in S.t Georges Hundred in S.t Maryes County the 24.th day of Octob.r in the 4.th yeare of theire sd Maj.ties Raigne Annoq.r Dum 1692 by the oathes of W.m Husband Thomas Cooke W.m Watts John Cheverell Edward Morgan John Macky Francis John Miller Daniell Bell Peter Watts Philip Jones & John Sykes thereinto Legally impannelled & sworne Before us John Watson & Edward Greenhalgh Gent two of theire Maj.ties Justices assigned for the conservacon of the peace in the said County & also for the hearing and determining of divers felonyes trespasses & other misdemeno.rs in the same County Comitted who upon theire oathes doe say that one Elizabeth Connant of New England widdow was lately Lawfully and peaceably seized in her Demesne as of Fee of and in a certaine messuage plantation & other houseing thereupon and the Lands thereunto |
Volume 717, Page 600 View pdf image |
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