Volume 717, Page 574 View pdf image |
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574 (564 This Indenture made the twentieth Day of October anno Domini 1660 Between Thomas Gerrard of S.t Clements Manner Esq.r of the one party and Raphaell Haywood of S.t Clements hundred of the other party Wittnesseth That the said Thomas Gerrard hath for valuable consideration Bargained and sold & by these presents Doth Bargaine & sell unto the said Raphaell Haywood one parcell of Land Begining at a Marked Bech by the side of a Small Branch from thence to a Marked oake at the head of the said Branch neare hatches Thickett from thence to the blew stone from thence to a marked Bech ^by the^ side of Haywoods Branch soe downe the Branch to a marked oake by the path that goes to M.r Bartons from thence to the place where it Begins by the oake side containing Three hundred Acres being More or less Scituate Lying and being in the Province of Maryland with free ingress and egress and Regresse And likewise Free liberty of Hunting hawking Fishing & fouling As also to fall trees and cary away timber for building upon the sd Neck of Land and the sd libertie the Ilands and wild hoggs Excepted but in case the said Raphaell Haywood his heires or Assignes doe Kill or take alive any wild hoggs upon the sd Manno.r the one halfe soe Killed or take a line to Restore to the Lord of the Manno.r or his Assignes To have & to hold the said Three hundred Acres of Land w.th the proquisits and proffitts and hereditaments except as before excepted unto him the said Raphaell Haywood his heires or assignes from the day of the Date hereof for Ever Yeilding and paying therefore yearly and Every yeare unto the sd Thomas Gerard his heires or Assignes one Barrell of Good sound Indian Corne or one hundred pounds of sound M.rchantable Tobacco and Caske or Tenn Shillings in Money and Two Capons at the feast of the Nativity of our Blessed Lord and Saviour or thirty Days after At the Manno.r house of S.t Clements And there to appeare upon sumons to Doe homage and service at all Courts Leetes and Courts Barons that may or Shall be holden upon the said Manno.r According to the usuall Custome of England or the law of this Province provided that the sd Raphaell Haywood his heires or Assignes or any claiming any Right from or under them shall not seat any More Families upon the said Three hundred Acres of Land then One Further more if the Rent aforesaid shall happen to be unpaid at the time Limitted being Lawfully Demanded or any other the Conditions Services or Acknowledgments Not done or p.rformed Hee the said Raphaell Haywood his heires or Assignes shall be Lyable to such penalties in such Cases provided either by the usuall Custome of England or the law of this Province any thing in these p.rsents Contained to the Contrary Notwithstanding And the said Thomas Gerard shall defend the sd Bargaine and sale from all Just claims and Titles to bee made by any person or persons whatsoever In testimony whereof the parties abovesaid to this presents interchangeably have sett theire hands and seales the Day and Yeare above menconed Tho Gerard (sealed) Sealed and Delivered in the p.rsence of us Maraduke Snowe James Edmonds Whereas Raphaell Haywood has sold & assigned over unto Simon Ryder a Certain parcell of Land containing about Three hundred acres lying at the head of Canon Neck Creeke in S.t Clements Bay for w.ch the said Haywood is ready to acknowledge a fine according to the Custome of England but in regard it may bee inconvenient for the sd Haywoods wife to Come soe far as S.t Maryes I have therefore fitt to impower y.e Coll W.m Evans to take the Acknowledgment of Raphaell Haywood & Anne his wife of the land above sd for the use of the sd Ryder & his heires for Ever & the Acknowledgment when made you are to Certifye und.r your hand downe to the secretaryes office Given under my hand this first of Novemb.r 1666 Charles Calvert To Coll W.m Evans These are to Certifye that a fine & Recovery hath been Acknowledged by Raphaell Haywood & Ann his wife unto Symon Ruder according to the power herein Given done this 4.th day of March 1666 Coram me W.m Evans Fees posted |
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Volume 717, Page 574 View pdf image |
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