Volume 717, Page 496 View pdf image |
496) 486 This Indenture made the fourth day of February in the Thirteenth Year of the Dominion of the Right Honourable Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c.a and in the Year of Our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and Seaven Betweene George Parker of Hunting Creeke in Calvert County in the Province of Maryland Gent of the one part & John Abington of Patuxant in Calvert County aforesaid Gen.t of the other part Witnesseth That the said George Parker as well for and in Consideracon of the sume of Two Hundred Ninety five Pounds & sixteene shillings of good and lawfull Money of England as alsoe for the sume of Twenty five Thousand Three Hundred sixty and six pounds of good sound and every way well Condiconed leafe Tobaccoe to him in hand well and truely paid by the said John Abington before the Ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof the said George Parker Confesseth and acknowledgeth by these presents hath Granted bargained sold demised sett and to farme letten & by these presents doth grante bargaine sell demise ^sett^ & to farme lett unto the said John Abington his Executors Adm.rs or Assignes All those four pcells of Land lately resurveyed into one intier tract and called by the name of Tillington lyeing in Calvert County aforesaid beginning at a white Oake bounded of a pcell of Land formerly laid out for John Davis Planter standing by a Creeke called Hunting Creeke Issueing out of the North side of Patuxant River in Calvert County and running by the said Creeke North Nort East One Hundred Twenty & five pches to a bounded oake at the Mouth of a swampe called littles swampe bounded on the North by a lyne drawne East for four Hundred Ninety & five pches to a bounded white Oake and from thence runing south south west for Three Hundred & Twenty pches to a bounded oake standing in a small Branch Issueing out of littles swampe aforesaid and from thence runing west for One Hundred seaventy & five pches to the Land and from thence runing south south west with the said Land to a bounded Ashe Tree of the said Freemans Land and from the said Ashe continueing by the |
Volume 717, Page 496 View pdf image |
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