Volume 717, Page 44 View pdf image |
44 Decemb.r pr.o 1676 Upon the peticon of Arnnall Dobbs formerly the wife of Andrew Ellinor deceased on the behalfe of her daughter Ann Ellinor that her former Husband (borne a Spanniard) was possessed in his demesne as of fee of & in One hundred & fifty acres of land called Staply Gibson lying in Kent County & dyed before he was naturalizd whereby the said land became Escheated to his Lordpp the Lord Prop.ry who promised her that Patent should issue for the said land in the name of her Children Ann & Sarah that Sarah is since dead & requisite Patent in the name of her daughter Ann Ordered by the Court that a Writt of Mandamus issue to inquire about the land in the peticon menconed Received of John Dobbs March the 15.th 1676 the sume of three hundred fifty & six pounds of tobacco by the order & for the use of M.r Peter Sayer I say recd P me Christopher Goodhand Aprill 20.th 1677 Whereas the Court is informed that the Orphant of Francis Trippas late of Baltemore County deceased was by Coll Nathaniel Wye & George Wye his brother att a store bound out to W.m Hollis of the same County without any Indenture for six or seven yeares of which He hath allready served three or foure years whereof she is very much slaved & abused which her brother in Law W.m Choice out of the Affecon he beareth to his wife (Sister to the said Orphant) seeing would very willingly take the Orphant & maintaine her & breed her upp att his owne proper costs & charges Notwithstanding there is a Plantacon belongeth to the said Orphant of which he desires no benefitt unlesse the Court thinke fitt to order him to make what improvement thereof he ran for the Orphant itt now lying wast & no benifitt thereof made And that the said Hollis refuseth to part with the said Orphant without another Servant to serve foure yeares whereupon itt is Ordered by this Court here that the Com.rs of the said County Court of Baltemore County have inspeccon into the Records of their County Court concerning the p.rmisses & remitt the same to the Justices of the next Provinciall Court And that Sumons issue to the said W.m Hollis to be then p.rsent that such further Order may be taken Wherein as to the said Justices shall seem meet and agreeable to Justice & Equity April 20.th 1677 Upon the peticon of Dorothy Coventry a Molatta that she being borne free her Mother did the twentieth of Aprill 1663 putt her Apprentice to Col Wye deceased & his former wife for sixteen yeares & in case they both dyed before the sixteen yeares was expired she was to be free & att the end of her tyme to have Corne & Cloaths according to the Custome of the Country & that the said Col Wye sold her to Jacob Young whom she serves untill Attached by Margarett Penroy for a debt of the said Youngs who Endeavoured to carry her out of the Province & make a slave of her & that she refuseing to goe the said Young hath sued her att the County Court for damages for three Months absence out of his service when Attached by Penroy And desires this Court to peruse her Indenture & declare her free according to the tenor thereof Itt is ordered by the Court here that the matter contained in the peticon of Dorothy Coventry be referred to the Com.rs of the County Court of Baltemore County Aprill 18.th 1677 Upon the peticon of John Fox that he came a Servant into this Province being John Ware who sold him to John Wahob & that he was to serve foure yeares by Indenture & no longer which tyme is expired but the Indenture being lost his master intends to to take the advantage thereof & compell him to serve the Custome of the Country & that the wittnesses may be upon Oath Examined that such Indenture being positively sworn to he may by order of this Court be sett free Itt is Ordered by the Court here that the said John Fox have tyme too morrow to produce his wittnesses to prove the abovesaid Indenture Att which day to witt the nineteenth day of Aprill in the second yeare of his Lordps Dominion &c Annoq Dm 1677 came the said John Fox who haveing sufficiently proved by Evidence that there was such an Indenture whereby he was to serve foure yeares & no longer Itt is the Judgem.t of the Court here that the said John Fox is free |
Volume 717, Page 44 View pdf image |
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