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249 (239 Boston or any other port that soe the same may be disposed of & that the said shipp be not lost & Cast away at Sea The returne of the goods aforesaid to be Really and truely according as I my self shall buy them without any Addition to be made by me or my Order the the true pformance of all wch I doe hereunto set my hand and Seale the Ninth day of July 1676 Tis understood alwayes that Factoridge is to be allowed and Delivered Signed Sealed and Delivered Jarvis Ballard (Sealed) in the presence of Us Richard Hartrup This bond was proved before me the first of Novemb.r Dennis Holland 1682 by the Oath of Denis Holland This bond was proved the 6.th day of November Philip Calvert 1682 by Dennis Holland witnes to the same before me C Baltemore Maryland fs Charles Absolute Lord and Prop.ry of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon L.d Baron of Baltemore &c To Coll William Stevens of Somersett County Greeting C Baltemore Whereas in the yeare of our Lord god 1649 passed an Act of Assembly of this Province assented to by Sealed Our late Father Cæcilius &c of Noble memory Entituled an Act Prohibitting the transportacon or sale of his Lopps Amunition Goods chattles &c Whereby Itt was Enacted that what person or persons soever should at any time hereafter transport or Cause to be transported out of this Province any of the Ordinance or Carriages for Ordinance Gunns shott powder or other Amunition to the vallue of Twenty shillings or upwards provided or to be provided from tyme to tyme thereafter by his Lopp or his heires Lords and Prop.rys of this Province or by a Generall Assesm.t of y.e Inhabitants of the Province or otherwise for the Publick defence here w.thout Speciall or lawfull warrant from his Lopp and his heires Lords and Prop.rys of the Province foe Soe doeing and his or their hands & Seales at Armes and Recorded and kept in the secretaryes Office of this Province should be Punished with death and Confiscation or all his or their lands goods and Chattles within this Province &c.a Now For as much as our Militia of horse in the County of Somersett afores.d hath been by us Comitted to our Principall care and Conduit And For as much also as for the due Exercise and traineing up thereof in the Act of warr and disipline Military & y.e p.rservacon of the Inhabitants thereof a Competent provision of Armes and Amunition is absolutely necessary And for that the same cannot be transported from the westerne shore unto yo.r house (the place by us designed to lodge the same) without extending beyond the bounds of the Province and Consequently transgressing the strict sence of the said Act Wee doe therefore hereby give free leave and liberty unto you the said Collon.ll William Stevens to transport from any port or place of the westerne shore or elsewhere within This Province unto yo.r owne house or elsewhere in Somersett County aforesaid All such Armes and Amunition as shall from henceforth be by us or Our heires or our Leiu.tt or cheife Governo.r for the time being comitted unto yo.r care and charge for the defence and safeguard of yo.r Said County hereby also ratifieing Confirmeing allowing of an approveing for good & valid w.th full and free indempnity for whatsoever hath by you hitherto been done or Acted in or about the p.rmisses The aforesaid Act or any other Acts custome or useage to the contrary in any wise Notwithstanding Given und.r our hand and seale at Aruso the seaventeenth day of Novemb.r in the seaventh yeare of Our Dominion &c Annoq Domini One thousand six hundred eighty and two |
Volume 717, Page 249 View pdf image |
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