By 23 hhds of Tobacco recd in
Partnershipp betweene M.r Sam.l Shrimpton and
James Browne & shipt on board The Gregory Marlo Consigned to Capt
Roberts on our prop accompt and Adventure being marked and numbered as
P Margent appeares
ℓd Tobacco
N.o 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23
The 23 hhds weighed Neate as p
pticuler acco.t of each hogshd
in a Neate inclosed in a Letter to Cap.t Nicholas Roberts
By foure hhds of Tobacco Recd
but left in the Country and by wormes and
Doggs Lost in Tobacco
To one part of sloope hyre to
Transport from Rappahannack to Cecill County
besides M.r Sitls his part
By 15 hhds of Tobacco recd this
yeare in equall ptnershipp and shipt on board
Robert King as bill of Ladeing Consigned to M.r Abraham Kick
of Amst.rdam
being marked and Numbred as p Margent
I R N.o 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
The 15 hhds weighed Neate as p
pticuler amount of each hogs.d in a Neate
inclosed in a Letter To M.r Abraham Kick of Amsterdam may
By 1.ℓℓ
10.s Imposts in Old England Money in Tob att 1.d
p ℓ
By selling Receiving Store cost
and all other charges thereto belonging before shipt
when all is Received that is sold for att 14.ℓℓ p Cut will
The 24.th of March
1674 Left bills of this ptnershipp in the hands of M.r
Ilem Tolson Comissioner of Cæcill County as p his Receipt appeares
Sum Totall is
The Estate of James Browne late
of Salem in New England is D.r
Octob.r 3.d
To y.e £ of a
parcell of goods put aboard the Ketch hope Ephraim Sherry Mast.r
for Maryland the whole cost as p invoyce 283.ℓℓ 12.s
7.d The halfe is
ℓℓ s
141 16 3 |
Sep 17.th
To y.e £ of a
parcell of goods put a board the Ketch stan Jn.o Sand.rs
M.r bound for Maryl.d
y.e whole cost as p invoyce 24.ℓℓ 15.s
7.d his halfe is
12 7 9½
(1675) 30.th Aug
To Cash pd by his order to Jn.o
Bull for wine & Rumm w.ch s.d Bull bought for
his acco.t
& tooke aboard his shipp the Providence Bound for Maryland y.e
sume of
17 8 2½
To the halfe of a parcell of
goods put a board the shipp Three Sytes To thua
Ward M.r bound for Maryland the whole Cash as p Invoyce 39.ℓℓ
18.s 3.d
his halfe is
191 11 3.d
Erro.rs Excepted Sam.ll Shrimpton