Volume 717, Page 139 View pdf image |
139 (130 Trespas upon the case And have you there this Writt Witnesse William Steevens our Cheife Justice of our said Court this fifth day of March Annoq 1678/7 W.m Smithson Clke Att a County Court of the Right Hono.ble Charles absolute Lord and Prop.ry of the provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore held for the County of Dorchester Before the Justices thereunto assigned the fourth day of June Anno Domini One thousand six hundred seaventy Eight Annoque Dominione Caroli &c tertio John Rawlings id John Haselwood Attorney for the Defendant desires an Imparlance wch is granted Ann Obrian him by the Court Dorr fs At our County Court held for the Hono.ble the Lord Prop.ry the sixth day of August Anno Domini One thousand six hundred seaventy eight Dorr fs Anne Obrian of this County was Attached to Answere John Rawlings in a plea of trespas upon the case &c And Whereupon the said John Rawlings by Thomas Paddison his attorney Complayneth that Whereas the said Anne Obrian stands indebted unto the said John Rawlings by account in the sume of three hundred forty foure pounds of Tobacco a pticluar whereof is here in Court produced whose date is from March the seaventh One thousand six hundred seaventy six to November the Eighth One thousand six hundred seaventy seaven Notwithstanding w.ch the said Anne Obryan the said sume of three hundred forty foure pounds of Tobacco unto the said John Rawlings hath not paid though often thereunto required and as yet the same doth still denye and refuse to pay whereupon the said John Rawlings sayth hee is damnified and hath Losse to the Vallue of seaven hundred pounds of Tobacco and thereupon hee brings his suite Upon the motion of M.r Thomas Paddison Attorney for the plt for speciall bayle the Deft being not Resident in the County The Court doth order (Not bayle being to bee had) That Thomas Taylor high sheriffe Doe bring the body of the said Anne Obrian in to Court att our next County Court held the third day of September next Otherwise Judgment to bee entered against the said Thomas Taylor unto the said John Rawlings for his debt wth Costs of suite Wm Smithson Clke Dor ss Atto.r County Court held for the Hono.ble the Lord Prop.ry the third day of September Annoq Domini One thousand six hundred seaventy Eight Upon the moccon of Thomas Pattison Attorney for the plaintiffe upon a Rule of Court granted the sixth day of August Last past for Thomas Taylor high sheriffe to bring into Court the body of Ann Obrian the third day of November next otherwise Judgment to be entred against against the said Thomas Taylor sheriffe unto the said John Rawlings for the said Anne Obrians debt w.th Costs of suite Upon the motion aforesaid The Court doth order that Judgment bee entred against the said Thomas Taylor unto the said John Rawlings for the sume of three hundred forty foure pounds of Tobacco forthwith to bee paid w.th the said Ann Obryans and his Cost of suite Then came into Court the said Thomas Taylor & desired to appeale to the Provinicall Court wch was Granted Provided the said Thomas Taylor Give good security unto the said Rawlings that if the said Judgm.t should stand they could pay they could pay the Condemnpnation of the Court If the said Thomas Taylor did not Render his body to prison or pay the Debt Memorandum that Benjamin Hunt and John Walls came into open Court and did then and there acknowledge themselves bound unto John Rawlings in One thousand pounds of Tobacco and Caske to bee Leavyed upon theire Lands and tenements goods and Chattells Upon Condicon that if the said John Rawlings doe obtaine a Judgment against the said Thomas Taylor as high sheriffe for not bringing the body of Ann Obrian according to Rule of Court That then the said Thomas Taylor shall pay the Condempnacon of the Court Or deliver This body to the sheriffe of Saint Maries or either of them will doe it for him whereupon in open Court they acknowledge themselves Contented This is a true Copy of y.e proceedings as entred upon Record Witnesse my hand and the County seale the 22.th day of September Anno Dom 1678 W.m Smithston Clk Com Dor) (To |
Volume 717, Page 139 View pdf image |
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