original boundaries of the municipality and a complete
description of the new boundaries of the area hereby
The charter amendment enacted by the aforegoing
Resolution becomes effective on the 22nd day of July,
RESOLUTION of the Mayor and Commissioners of the
Town of Elkton, adopted pursuant to the authority of
Article XIE of the Constitution of Maryland, and Section
19 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957
Edition), 1972 Replacement Volume, Title "Corporations -
Municipal" to add a new section to the Code of Cecil
County, Maryland (adopted January 2 5, 1971) under Chapter
27 of said Code which incorporates the Charter of the
Town of Elkton by reference, and also known as Section 3
of the new Charter of the Town of Elkton as adopted on
October 30, 1968, and constituting an amendment to the
municipal charter of the body politic and corporate known
as the Town of Elkton, and to annex and include the
following described land in the boundaries of taxable
limits of the Town of Elkton.
WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 19(c) of Article
23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition) at
least 25% or more of the registered voters in County
elections who reside in the hereinafter described area,
and the owners of at least 25% of the assessed valuation
in the said area have petitioned the Mayor and
Commissioners of the Town of Elkton, to annex said area
into the corporate boundaries of the Town of Elkton; and
WHEREAS, upon presentation of the petition to the
Mayor and Commissioners of the Town of Elkton, the
presiding officer thereof caused to be made a
verification of the signatures thereon and ascertained
that the persons signing the petition represented at
least 25% or more of the registered voters residing in
the area to be annexed and who are, in fact, registered
as voters in County elections in the precinct in which
the territory to be annexed is located; and
WHEREAS, upon presentation of the petition to the
Mayor and Commissioners of the Town of Elkton, the
presiding officer thereof caused to be made a
verification of the signatures thereon and ascertained
that the persons signing the petition owned at least 25%
or more of the assessed valuation of the real property
located in the area to be annexed; and