or department of the State of Maryland or of the United
States for the transfer to the city, with or without
consideration, of any public property in the area or
areas to be annexed and for the assumption by the city of
the payment of any public indebtedness for which any such
area or areas are primarily liable. Prior to any such
referendum, and upon condition that any such annexation
shall be approved, the mayor and aldermen of the City of
Annapolis shall provide by ordinance for the inclusion of
the area or areas to be annexed in any of the existing
wards of the city or for the establishment of said area
or areas as a new ward or wards, or for the change in the
lines of existing wards so as to farm larger wards for
the same number, in some or all of which the annexed area
or areas shall be a part or parts. Each new ward so
formed shall be represented by one alderman of the same
status as the present aldermen of the City of Annapolis,
who shall be elected at the same election at which the
question of annexation is referred, and any such alderman
or aldermen so elected shall hold office until the
expiration of the terms of the aldermen of the City of
Annapolis in office at the time of such election. No
person shall be elected an alderman for any new ward of
the city so established unless he shall have resided in
the area included in said ward, as above provided, for a
period of at least two years immediately preceding his
election and unless he shall also have been a qualified
voter of Anne, Arundel County, registered in said area for
at least one year immediately preceding said election,
and no person so elected as an alderman shall be entitled
to qualify and take office unless the proposed annexation
of the area in which he resides shall be approved in the
manner prescribed by law, as aforesaid. Following any
such annexation, the mayor and aldermen of the City of
Annapolis shall enact, in the manner prescribed by law,
an appropriate amendment or amendments of the city
Charter, changing the boundaries thereof and increasing
the number of wards of the city, if any such increase was
provided by ordinances as above provided,
adoption of this Resolution is July 8, 1974, and the
amendment of the Charter of the City of Annapolis, hereby
enacted shall become effective on August 27, 1974, unless
a proper petition for referendum hereon shall be filed as
permitted by law, provided a complete and exact copy of
this Resolution shall be continuously posted on the
bulletin board in the City Hall until August 17, 1974,
and provided further that a copy of the title of this
Resolution shall be published in the "Evening Capital", a
newspaper of general circulation in the City of
Annapolis, or in any other newspaper of such general
circulation, once in each of the weeks, July 15, July 22,