WHEREAS, The State of Maryland has long recognized the
importance of establishing, maintaining, and
improving the relationship between the State, as an
employer, and its employees, in order to be more
efficient and responsive to the needs of its
citizenry in the provision of essential public
services; and
WHEREAS, In pursuance of this goal, the Secretary of
Personnel has established and promulgated a
grievance procedure, known as Department of
Personnel Policy No, 9, creating an appropriate
forum for State employees to seek redress of their
complaints; and
WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to Article 77A, Section 15 of
the Annotated Code of Maryland, the University of
Maryland has established a grievance procedure for
its classified employees, set forth in a document
known as Personnel Practices for Classified
Employees at the College Park Campus, which
procedures have been extended to classified
employees on the other campuses of the University
and modified by Article 77A, Section 15(e) (1-a) of
the Annotated Code of Maryland; and
WHEREAS, It is the desire of the State to make these
grievance procedures applicable to all State
employees, except those who already have the
advantage of an alternative procedure, or who are
employed under a recognized teacher tenure system,
or who are appointees in high level policy making
positions; and
WHEREAS, The current grievance procedure, as embodied
in Department of Personnel Policy No. 9, has been
interpreted by the Attorney General as being
applicable only to classified employees of the
State, and the authority of the Secretary of
Personnel to extend the procedure its in doubt; and
WHEREAS, The grievance procedures set forth in the
aforesaid University of Maryland publication do not
presently apply to non—classified personnel; and
WHEREAS, I, as Governor, have the authority under the
Constitution and laws of Maryland to promulgate
rules of conduct or procedure for State employees
and State agencies;