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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 3941   View pdf image
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FOR the purpose of [[establishing in the District Court
of each Judicial District of Maryland a Small Claims
Division for the purpose of the informal settlement
of claims for money not in excess of $500, exclusive
of interest and costs, and relating generally to the
practice, procedures, rules, forms, hearings, fees,
transfer of cases, and appeals with respect to small
claims in the District Courts of Maryland]]
requiring by a certain date that the Court of
Appeals establish procedures in the District Court
for the informal processing and trial of any cause
of action under a certain amount; imposing certain
duties on the Chief Judge of the District Court;
providing for the filing and hearing of certain
claims; requiring clerks of the District Court to
render assistance in the preparation of a statement
of claim when requested by the person filing the
statement of claim; providing the clerk shall not be
liable for assistance rendered; and providing for
the rules of evidence and procedures in certain
civil claim cases filed in the District Court of

May 15, 1975.
Honorable Steny H. Hoyer
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, Maryland

Dear Mr. President:

In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the
Maryland Constitution, I have today vetoed Senate Bill

This bill is nearly an exact duplicate of House Bill
743, requiring the Court of Appeals to adopt rules
establishing procedures for the processing of claims of
$500 or less in the District Court on an informal basis.

I have set forth in my Veto Message with respect to
House Bill 743 by objections to the bill, as worded; and
they are equally applicable to Senate Bill 214.

I support the objectives of the bill, and am

confident that they will be attained within the    general

time—frame provided in the bill by the adoption  of rules
by the Court of Appeals.

For the reasons set forth in my Veto Message
concerning House Bill 74 3, however, which are
incorporated by reference in this Veto Message, I have
vetoed Senate Bill 214.


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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 3941   View pdf image
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