MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 3423
AN ACT concerning
Anne Arundel County — Urban Renewal Law
FOR the purpose of clarifying the codification of the
Anne Arundel County Urban Renewal Law, originally
enacted by Chapter 791 of the Acts of 1963, in Title
19 — Urban Renewal, Subtitle 1 — Generally, of The
Code of Anne Arundel County, Maryland (1967 Edition,
as amended, being Article 2 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland) , by providing that
references to the Board of County Commissioners in
Chapter 791 shall constitute references to Anne
Arundel County, Maryland, successor to County
Commissioners of Anne Arundel County; providing that
legislative powers conferred by the Urban Renewal
Law shall be vested in and exercised by the County
Council and that executive or administrative powers
shall be vested in and exercised by the County
Executive; providing that the constitutionality or
legality of certain actions taken by the County
Executive and County Council of Anne Arundel County,
Maryland shall not be adversely affected; [[finding,
determining and enacting that certain described
areas shall constitute Urban Renewal Areas One and
Two of Anne Arundel County. Maryland; confirming,
adopting, ratifying and approving certain findings
pertaining to urban renewal in Anne Arundel County,
Maryland;]] providing for the future implementation
of urban renewal plans in Anne Arundel County,
Maryland; providing that this Act shall control over
erroneous references contained in The Code of Anne
Arundel County, Maryland; and providing for
appropriate correction of The Code of Anne Arundel
County, Maryland.
BY adding to
Chapter 791 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of 1963
Section 1
[[Paragraph 2A]] Paragraphs 2A and 2B
(Codified in Title 19 — Urban Renewal, Subtitle 1 —
Generally, of The Code of Anne Arundel County,
Maryland, 1967 Edition, as amended)
MARYLAND, That new [[Paragraph 2A be and it is]]
Paragraphs 2A and 2B be and they are hereby added to
Section 1 of Chapter 791 of the Laws of Maryland of 1963
(Codified in Title 19 - Urban Renewal, Subtitle 1 -
Generally, of The Code of Anne Arundel County, Maryland)
to follow immediately after Paragraph 2 of said Section 1