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Session Laws, 1974
Volume 713, Page 506   View pdf image
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506                                            LAWS OF MARYLAND                            [Ch. 36

(10)   Dorchester County — $15.

(11)   Frederick County — $15; mileage
allowance set by the County Commissioners.

(12)   Garrett County - $10; 10 cents mileage
allowance, no overtime.

(13)   Harford County - $15; mileage or travel
expenses as set by the County Commissioners.

(14)   Howard County — $12; no mileage

(15)   Kent County - $10; 15 cents mileage for
each mile or fraction of a mile over five miles traveled
going to and returning from the court once each term. If

a juror's service extends past 6:00 P.M. on any day, he
shall receive an additional day's pay.

(16)   Montgomery County - $15; no mileage
allowance; no overtime.

(17)   Prince George's County - $10 expense
money plus an additional $5 expense money if his service
extends past 6:00 P.M. and a second additional $5 if his
service extends past 9:00 P.M. on any day.

(18)   Queen Anne's County - $7.50; no mileage
allowance; if a juror's service extends past 6:00 P.M. on
any day, the juror shall receive an additional day's pay.

(19)   St. Mary's County - $10 expense money
plus an additional $5 expense money if his service
extends past 6:00 P.M. and a second additional $5 if his
service extends past 9:00 P.M. on any day.

(20)   Somerset County - $10; no mileage
allowance; no overtime.

(21)   Talbot County - $10; no mileage
allowance; no overtime.

(22)   Washington County — $15; mileage
allowance as set by the County Commissioners.

(23)   Wicomico County - $15; no mileage

(24)   Worcester County - $15; no mileage


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Session Laws, 1974
Volume 713, Page 506   View pdf image
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