determined in 1964 and 870 feet from the
northeasterlymost corner of said limits and also at the
end of the 6th line of a parcel of land conveyed by
Thelma Walden Littlefield Shriner, unto the Union Bridge
Chamber of Commerce by a deed dated May 12, 1960 and
recorded among the Land Records of Carroll County in
Liber 320, folio 10, thence, reversely with a portion of
said 6th line,
(1) South 50 degrees 00 minutes East 433.00
feet to a point, thence, to include a parcel of land
heretofore conveyed unto the Town of Union Bridge by a
deed dated August 23, 1963, and recorded in Liber 363,
folio 645, and being also reversely with the 24th, 23rd,
22nd, 21st, 20th and 19th lines of the adjoining parcel
of land conveyed by Thelma Walden Littlefield Shriner
unto George S. Phillips by deed dated August 6, 1966, and
recorded in Liber 412, folio 136,
North 28 degrees 00 minutes East 393.20
(3) North 49 degrees 45 minutes East 50.00
(4) South 40 degrees 15 minutes West 100.00
(5) South 49 degrees 45 minutes West 50.00
North 40 degrees 15 minutes West 89.29
(7) South 28 degrees 00 minutes West 391.50
feet to a point in the aforesaid 6th line in Liber 320
folio 10, being also the end of the 18th line in Liber
4 12, folio 136, thence reversely with said 18th line,
(8) South 50 degrees 00 minutes West 584.35
feet to a point at the end of the 5th line in Liber 320,
folio 10 thence, reveresely with the 5th. and 4th lines
(9) South 22 degrees 03 minutes West 402.40
feet to an iron pipe now found,
(10) South 61 degrees 10 minutes West 176.91
feet to a railroad spike in the centerline of the
Ladiesburg Road, thence, with said road by four chords.
(11) South 30 degrees 43 minutes East 140.22