thousand eight hundred and twenty—five decimal nine,
zero (2,825.90) feet to the north side of Marvel Road
Easting 1,207,127.26 Northing 209,020.40; thence along
and near the north side of Marvel Road south sixty—one
degrees thirty—three minutes zero, eight seconds East (S
61° 33' 08" E) one thousand ninety decimal two, six
(1,090.26) feet to the west side of Allen Drive Easting
1,208,085.87 Northing 208,501.05; thence along and near
the west side of Allen Drive North nineteen degrees
fifty-eight minutes thirteen seconds East (N 19° 58' 13"
E) seven hundred and sixty—eight decimal one, four
(768.14) feet to the southerly right-of-way line of
Leonard Lane Easting 1,208,348.22 Northing 209,223.00;
thence by and with the southerly right—of—way line of
Leonard Lane North sixty—nine degrees zero, nine minutes
thirty-four seconds West (N 69° 09' 34" W) one thousand
one hundred and seventy—eight decimal seven, four
(1,178.74) feet to the existing corporate limit Easting
1,207,246.60 Northing 209,642.35 thence by and with the
corporate limit the following three courses: (1) South
nineteen degrees fifty—six minutes fifty—two seconds West
(S 19° 56' 52" W) six hundred and ten decimal four, one
(610.41) feet Easting 1,207,038.35 Northing 209,068.57;
(2) North sixty—one degrees thirty—three minutes zero,
eight seconds West (N 61° 33' 08" W) one hundred and one
decimal one, two (101.12) feet Easting 1,206,949.43
Northing 209,116.74; (3) South nineteen degrees
fifty-three minutes fifty-two seconds West (S 19° 53' 52"
W) three thousand two hundred and fifty—six decimal four,
two (3,256.42) feet Easting 1,205,841.13 Northing
206,054.72; thence still by and with the corporate limit
along a simple curve to the left radius three thousand
five hundred and thirty—four decimal nine, zero
(R=3,534.90) feet one thousand eighty—one decimal seven,
three (1,081.73) feet to a cement post Easting
1,205,633.11 Northing 204,997.47; thence still by and
with the corporate limit South two degrees twenty—one
minutes fifty-two seconds West (S 02° 21' 52" W) eight
hundred and forty—nine decimal twenty—seven (849.27) feet
Easting 1,205,598.07 Northing 204,148.92; thence still by
and with the corporate limit along a simple curve to the
right radius four hundred and seventy—seven decimal zero
(R—477.0) feet two hundred and ten decimal one, six
(210.16)feet to a P.K. nail Easting 1,205,788.44 Northing
204,063.93; thence still by and with the corporate limit
South fifty—three degrees nineteen minutes zero, eight
seconds East (S 53° 19' 08" E) three hundred and
eighty—one decimal zero, six (381.06) feet Easting
1,206,094.04 Northing 203,836.30; thence still by and
with the corporate limit along a simple curve to the
right radius seven thousand six hundred and thirty—nine
decimal four, two (R=7,639.42) feet one hundred and
eighty—two decimal two, one (182.21) feet to a cement
post on the westerly right—of—way line of North Salisbury