494.65 feet to coordinate point number 12261 on the
south side of the Defense Highway; thence crossing
said highway north 60 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds
east 140.46 feet to the northwest corner of the
Defense Highway and Hudson Street, being coordinate
point number 12262; thence with the west side of
Hudson Street north 17 degrees 32 minutes 55 seconds
east 125 feet to the coordinate point number 12263;
thence north 23 degrees 19 minutes 55 seconds east
246 feet to coordinate point number 12264; thence
leaving Hudson Street and running south 71 degrees
30 minutes 40 seconds east 956.66 feet to the
northwest corner of lot number 5 of the Parker
Subdivision at coordinate point number 12265; thence
with the westerly side of said subdivision and
continuing on to Admiral Drive (Cowhide Branch Road)
north 38 degrees 17 minutes 25 seconds east 2169.79
feet at coordinate point number 12266 located in the
approximate center of Cowhide Branch Road and
running from said beginning point so fixed with the
existing city boundary, south 38 degrees 17 minutes
25 seconds west 634.07 feet, to intersect the north
79 degrees west 189.75 foot line of the conveyance
from James Boston and Louisa Boston, his wife, to
Ida Klawans by deed dated December 18, 1923, and
recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel
County in Liber W.N.W. 84, folio 369; thence running
with the lines of said conveyance, as now surveyed,
north 84 degrees 02 minutes 57 seconds west 9.8 feet
to an iron pipe found at the end of the above
mentioned line; thence north 07 degrees 03 minutes
22 seconds west 411.83 feet to an iron pipe found;
thence north 23 degrees 39 minutes 07 seconds east
251.62 feet; thence north 48 degrees 18 minutes 07
seconds east 240.71 feet to intersect the north 24
degrees 47 minutes west 252.31 foot line of the
Annapolis city boundary in the bed of Admiral Drive;
thence with part of said line, reversely, south 24
degrees 47 minutes east 106.76 feet to Annapolis
city boundary corner no. 11115; thence continuing
along said road north 24 degrees 47 minutes west
252.31 feet to side of said road; thence leaving
said road and running north 61 degrees 24 minutes
east 236.41 feet to concrete monument number 11119
located at the edge of the marsh at the head of
Seems Creek thence following the center line of
Weems Creek, easterly for a distance of
approximately 5800 feet to the center of the draw of
the state highway bridge crossing Weems Creek at
Revell Street; thence still with the center line of
Weems Creek in a general northeasterly direction
approximately 3600 feet to the mouth of Seems Creek;
thence northeasterly and with the waters of the
Severn River, approximately 1300 feet to a point