MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 3253
and make its final report by April 15,
[1974] 1975 to the Governor, the
President of the Senate, the Speaker of
the House of Delegates and the Chief
Judge of the Court of Appeals, at which
time all books, papers, files, records,
furniture, fixtures, or funds, owned by
or in custody of the Commission, shall
be transferred to the Board of Public
WHEREAS, I, MARVIN MANDEL, Governor of Maryland, signed
into law Chapter 3 of the Acts of 1973 (First
Special Session), being the Financial Disclosure
Act, on August 24, 1973, which law is codified as
Article 33, Sections 29—1 et seq. of the Annotated
Code of Maryland; and
WHEREAS, That Act requires the holders of certain
enumerated State Offices and candidates for such
offices to file annual statements disclosing certain
interests held by them; and
WHEREAS, That Act further authorizes the Governor, by
Executive Order, to extend the provisions of the Act
within the Executive Branch of the State Government
by requiring persons holding State positions
compensated in whole or in part by public funds, and
noncompensated gubernatorial appointees, other than
the officers and judges provided for directly under
the Act, to disclose annually, as public records,
such relevant information concerning their financial
affairs as he may deem necessary to promote the
continued trust and confidence of the people in the
Executive Branch; and
WHEREAS, On September 19, 1973, I requested the
Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries of the principal
Executive departments, the Secretary of State, and
the heads of each department within the Governor's
Office to file a preliminary disclosure statement by
October 15, 1973, and an annual statement thereafter
on or before April 15, of each succeeding year; and
WHEREAS, Because of the varied nature of the different
Offices and positions within the Executive Branch, I