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Session Laws, 1974
Volume 713, Page 3070   View pdf image
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3070                                                VETOES

employment in establishments serving beer and light wines
from 21 to 18 years. It amends numerous sections of the
code dealing with this subject, including, inter alia,
Sections 3A and 117 of Article 2B. House Bill 855
contains different amendments also pertaining to both
Sections 3A and 117 of Article 2B, and Senate Bill 420
further purports to amend Section 117 of Article 2B.
Inasmuch as all three of these bills contain amendments
to the v same sections of the Law, and deal with the same
subject matter in terms not wholly consistent with each
other, it appears to us that it would be impossible to
reconcile and to give effect to the provisions of all
three bills.

Very truly yours,
/s/ Francis B. Burch
Attorney General

Senate Bill No. 424 — University of Baltimore Law School
AN ACT concerning

University of Baltimore School of Law —
Student Aid

FOR the purpose of providing funds for grants,
scholarships and other academic services to eligible
minority group students and to all eligible needy
students enrolled at the University of Baltimore
School of Law, and relating generally to the
University of Baltimore School of Law.

May 31, 1974.

Honorable William S. James
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404

Dear Mr. President:

In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the
Maryland Constitution, I have today vetoed Senate Bill

This bill provides for two programs of scholarships
for students at the University of Baltimore School of Law
— one for "eligible minority students" and one for
"students of all backgrounds". In each instance, the


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Session Laws, 1974
Volume 713, Page 3070   View pdf image
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