MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 3001
need to determine the future role of the Fire Service
Extension in providing fire and rescue squad training
services in Maryland and the committee recommended such a
study be made by a Gubernatorial Commission; now,
therefore, be it
the Governor of Maryland is requested to appoint a
Commission on Fire Services to determine the future role
of the Fire Service Extension of the University of
Maryland in the training of firemen and rescue squad
members, and the method of funding these services; and be
it further
RESOLVED, That the Governor is requested to appoint
to the Commission at least one member each of the Senate
and House of Delegates; at least three public members;
the President of__the University of Maryland, or a
designee; the Director of the Division of Emergency
Medical Services, Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene, or a designee; and a representative from the
following groups; the Fire Service Extension; the State
Planning Department; the Maryland State Firemen's
Association; the Association of Counties; the Maryland
Municipal League; the Maryland State Ambulance
Association; the Maryland Fire Chief's Association; the
[[International Association of Fire Fighters]]
Maryland-D.C. Professional Fire Fighters Association; a
representative from one of the academies for training
firemen; [[the Baltimore Rescue Squad; the University of
Maryland]] the Maryland Council for higher Education; and
the community colleges in the State; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Commission is requested to submit
its report with any conclusions and recommendations to
the Governor and the General Assembly by January 15,
1975; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution are sent to
the Governor of Maryland; Dr. Wilson Elkins, President,
University of Maryland; Dr. Charles E. Bishop,
Chancellor, College Park Campus; and John W. Hoglund,
Director, Fire Service Extension, College Park, Maryland,
20742; and Roy L. Wood, President, Maryland State
Firemen's Association, 4905 Lexington Avenue, Beltsville,
Maryland, 20705.
Approved April 30, 1974.
No. 13
(Senate Joint Resolution 10)