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Session Laws, 1974
Volume 713, Page 1784   View pdf image
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1784                                          LAWS OF MARYLAND [Ch. 496

interest and principal of all serial bonds maturing in
said year, and after deducting all amounts in hand or in
contemplation applicable to payments of interest and
principal on said bonds as hereinbefore and hereinafter
in the subtitle provided; it shall determine the number
of cents per $100.00 necessary to raise the said amount
for each such sanitary district and shall certify the
same to the Board of Commissioners at least sixty (60)
days before July 1 of each year. The said County
Commissioners in their next annual levy shall levy said
tax on all land and improvements and all other property
assessed for county tax purposes within the respective
sanitary district, which tax shall be levied and
collected and have the same priority rights, bear the
same interest and penalties and in every respect be
treated the same as county taxes. The tax so levied for
the ensuing year shall be collected by the tax collecting
authorities and every one hundred twenty (120) days they
shall remit the whole amount of the tax so collected to
the Commission. From the money so received, together with
the amount in hand to the credit of said bond fund, the
Commission shall first pay all interest and principal on
said bonds as it becomes due, and shall then deposit the
residue of said moneys in some bank or banks in said
County to the joint credit of the County Commissioners
and the Commission. The Commission is authorized to pay
the interest on any bonds it may issue out of the
proceeds of the sale of said bonds, but not more than two
years* interest may be expended. Nothing contained in
this section or in this subtitle shall be construed as in
any manner relieving the County Commissioners of St.
Mary's County of its unconditional pledge of its full
faith and credit and unlimited taxing power to the
payment of principal and interest on any bonds issued by
the Commission pursuant to Section 161 of this subtitle.

shall take effect July 1, 1974.

Approved April 30, 1974.

(House Bill 1099)
AN ACT concerning

St. Mary's County — Center for the Mentally Retarded
FOR the purpose of authorizing the County Commissioners


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Session Laws, 1974
Volume 713, Page 1784   View pdf image
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