1764 LAWS OF MARYLAND [Ch. 487
MARYLAND, That Section 66(2) of Article 101 - Workmen's
Compensation, of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1964
Replacement Volume and 1973 Supplement) be and it is
hereby repealed and re—enacted, with amendments, to read
as follows:
Article 101 — Workmen's Compensation
(2) The employer, or, if insured, his insurance
carrier, or the State Accident Fund, as the case may be,
shall pay to the Workmen's Compensation Commission an
amount equal to [three] FIVE per centum [(3%)] (5%) on
all awards rendered against such employer for permanent
disability and death, including awards for disfigurement
and mutilation and also on all amounts payable by an
employer and his insurance carrier or the State Accident
Fund in pursuance to settlement agreements approved by
the Commission, as to awards and settlement agreements
approved on and after June 1, 1963. These payments
shall be in addition to any payment of compensation to
employees who are injured or sustain an occupational
disease or their dependents otherwise provided in this
The Workmen's Compensation Commission shall promptly
remit all such payments received by it to the Treasurer
of the state of Maryland, to be held, managed and
disbursed by him, as hereinafter provided. These
payments received by the Treasurer from the Workmen's
Compensation Commission shall constitute a special
indemnity fund to be known as the "Subsequent Injury
Fund." Such fund shall consist of the payments above
referred to, together with any money or securities
acquired by gift from the United States of America, or
otherwise, and interest earned through the use of money
belonging to the fund, all of which is hereinafter
referred to as the "fund." The fund shall be disbursed by
the Treasurer only for the purposes stated in this
section, and shall not at any time be appropriated or
diverted to any other use or purpose. The obligation of
the bond of the Treasurer shall contain a provision
securing the protection of the fund. The Treasurer shall
invest any surplus moneys in the fund in any securities
in which other funds of the State may be legally
invested, and shall sell any of the securities in which
the fund is invested at any time necessary for the proper
administration and protection thereof, or in its best
interest, or for the purposes of making payments
therefrom. Disbursement from the fund shall be made by
the Treasurer only upon the written order of the
Workmen's Compensation Commission. The Treasurer, as
custodian of the fund, shall furnish annually to the