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Session Laws and Journals, 1973, November Special Session
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1973]                   OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES                       19

Governor's power to exercise certain authority to implement federal
energy programs, and making provision for the effect of this Act upon
other State and local laws.

Read the first time and referred to the Committee on Rules.


On motion of Delegate Arnick, duly seconded and two-thirds of all the
members-elect voting in the affirmative, the Rules were suspended by yeas
and nays as follows for the purpose of reporting bill same day as received.



Mr. Speaker, McKay, Mitchell, Athey, Sachs, Thomason, Burkhead, Fallon, Helms,
Allen, A. T., Hagner. Weidemeyer, Rymer, Compton, Nimmerrichter, Arata, Malone,
Alperstein, Needle, Rynd, Hopkins, Price, Stroble, Boozer, Linton, Jones, Peters, Ein-
schutz, Heffner, Rush, Arnick, Minnick, Horne, Dize, Startt, Mackie, Dorman, Ross, Hull,
King, Lornbardi, Redding, Sullivan, Blumenthal, Donovan, Knoll, Miller, Rummage, Wolf-
gang, Hickman, C. M., Delphey. Cox, Greer, Livezey, Hargreaves, Bonvegna, Dypski,
Krysiak, Silk, Antonelli, Brown, Chester, Douglass, J. W., Heintz, Curran, DeAngelo,
Faby, Harrison, Hergenroeder, O'Brien, Robey, Brailey, Conaway, Dixon, Douglass, C. A.,
Randolph, Cardin, Dean, Howell, Avara, Freeberger, Murphy, Weisengoff, Grumbacher,
Wagaman, Levitan, Maddox, McInerney, Robertson. Shore, Becker, Bell, Docter, Koss,
Maurer, Ruben, Zander, Owens, Wiser, Byrnes, Reed, Williams, Beck, Matthews, Burgess,
Nichols, Laws, Long, Bolden.                                                                        Total—109


By order of Rules Committee, the said bill was re-referred to Environ-
mental Matters Committee.

Delegate Needle moved that rule be suspended to have House Resolution
3 brought out of Committee and to the floor.

Delegate Needle moved that motion be made a Special Order of Business
for Monday.


By order of the Majority Leader the House recessed until 3:00 P.M.
Monday, November 12, 1973.


Calendar Day, November 12, 1973.
Legislative Day, November 9, 1973.
The House resumed its session at 3:05 P.M.
The following delegates are excused from today's session:

Delegate Koss, Montgomery County; Delegate Lombardi, Prince George's
County; Delegate Dantoni, Baltimore County and Delegate Byrnes, Alle-
gany County.


The Speaker announced a quorum call resulting as follows:


Mr. Speaker, McKay, Mitchell, Athey, Sachs, Thomason, Burkhead, Helms, Hagner,
Weidemeyer Compton, Nimmerrichter, Arata, Malone, Alperstein, Price, Stroble, Booz-
er, Latshaw, Linton, Hutchinson, Jones, Peters, Schirano, Einschutz, Arnick, D'Anna,
Minnick, Home, Dize, Merryweather, Dorman, Ross, Foley, King, Pesci, Sullivan, Blum-


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Session Laws and Journals, 1973, November Special Session
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