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Session Laws and Journals, 1973, November Special Session
Volume 712, Page 55   View pdf image (33K)
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1973]                   OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES                       17


On motion of Delegate Arnick, duly seconded and two-thirds of all the
members-elect voting in the affirmative, the rules were suspended by yeas
and nays as follows for the purpose of reporting bill on same day as re-


Mr. Speaker, McKay, Mitchell, Athey, Sachs, Thomason, Burkhead, Fallon, Helms,
Allen, A. T., Hagner, Weidemeyer, Rymer, Compton, Nimmerrichter, Arata, Malone,
Needle., Rynd, Hopkins, Price, Strobe, Boozer, Linton. Jones, Peters, Einschutz, Heffner,
Rush, Arnick, Minnick, Home, Dize, Startt, Mackie, Ross, Foley Hull, King, Lombardi,
Pesci, Redding, Sullivan, Blumenthal, Donovan, Knoll, Miller, Rummage, Wolfgang, Hick-
man, C. M., Hickman, R. O., Delphey, Cox, Greer, Livezey, Hargreayes, Bonvegna,
Dypski, Krysiak, Silk, Antonelli, Brown, Chester, Douglass, J. W.. Heintz, Raymond,
Curran, DeAngelo, Faby, Harrison, Hergenroeder, Robey, Brailey, Conaway, Dixon,
Douglass, C. A., Randolph, Cardin, Dean, Resnick, Avara, Baumann, Freeberger, Murphy,
Grumbacher, Wagaman, Levitan, Maddox, Mclnerney, Robertson, Shore, Becker, Bell,
Docter, Koss, Maurer, Ruben, Zander, Owens, Wiser, Byrnes, Reed, Williams, Beck,
Matthews, Burgess, Nichols, Laws, Long, Bolden.                                        Total—110



Delegate John Hargreaves, Chairman, for the Committee on Appropria-
tions reported favorably, SENATE BILL NO. 2—By Senator James:

AN ACT concerning

Appropriation for the Expenses of the Special Session

FOR the purpose of making an emergency appropriation for the pay-
ment of the expenses of the General Assembly of Maryland for the
Second Extraordinary Session of 1973.

Favorable report adopted.

Read the second time and ordered prepared for third reading.


Two-thirds of the House of Delegates elected, having voted in the
affirmative by yeas and nays, complying with the Constitution, put bill on
its third reading and final passage.



Mr. Speaker. McKay, Mitchell, Athey, Sachs, Thomason, Burkhead, Fallon, Helms,
Allen, A. T., Hagner, Weidemeyer, Rymer, Compton, Nimmerrichter, Arata, Malone,
Needle, Rynd, Hopkins, Price, Stroble, Boozer, Linton, Jones, Peters, Einschutz. Heffner,
Rush, Arnick, Minnick, Home, Dize, Startt, Mackie, Dorman, Ross, Foley, Hull, King,
Lombardi, Pesci, Redding, Sullivan, Blumenthal, Donovan, Knoll, Miller, Rummage, Wolf-
gang, Hickman. C. M., Hickman, R. O., Delphey, Cox, Greer, Livezey, Hargreaves,
Bonvegna, Dypski, Krysiak, Silk, Antonelli, Brown, Chester, Douglass, J. W., Heintz,
Raymond, Curran, DeAngelo, Faby, Harrison, Hergenroeder, Robey, Brailey. Conaway,
Dixon, Douglass, C. A., Randolph, Cardin, Dean, Resnick, Avara, Baumann, Freeberger,
Murphy, Weisengoff. Grumbacher, Wagaman, Levitan, Maddox, Mclnerney, Robertson,
Shore, Becker, Bell, Docter, Koss, Maurer, Ruben, Zander, Owens, Wiser, Byrnes, Reed,
Williams, Beck, Matthews, Burgess, Nichols, Laws, Long. Bolden.                Total—112



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Session Laws and Journals, 1973, November Special Session
Volume 712, Page 55   View pdf image (33K)
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