BY repealing and re-enacting, with amendments,
Article 66B—Zoning and Planning
Section 2.09 (e) and 4.08(e)
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1970 Replacement Volume and 1973 Supplement)
Read the first time and referred to the Committee on Rules.
SENATE BILL NO. 2—By Senator James:
AN ACT concerning
Appropriation for the Expenses of the Special Session
FOR the purpose of making an emergency appropriation for the pay-
ment of the expenses of the General Assembly of Maryland for the
Second Extraordinary Session of 1973.
Read the first time and referred to the Committee on Rides.
The Speaker announced a quorum call, resulting as follows:
Mr. Speaker, McKay, Mitchell, Athey, Sachs, Thomason, Burkhead, Fallon, Helms,
Allen, A. T., Hagner, Weidemeyer, Compton, Nimmerichter, Arata, Malone, Needle,
Rynd. Hopkins, Price, Stroble, Boozer, Linton, Jones, Peters, Einschutz, Heffner, Rush,
Arnick, Horne, Dize, Merryweather, Startt, Mackie, Dorman, Ross, Foley, Hull, King,
Pesci, Redding, Sullivan, Blumenthal, Donovan, Knoll, Miller, Rummage, Wolfgang, Hick-
man, C. M., Hickman, R. O., Delphey, Hutton, Virts, Cox, Greer, Livezey, Hargreaves,
Bonvegna. Dypski, Krysiak, Silk, Walters, Antonelli, Brown, Douglass, J. W., Heintz,
Raymond,' Curran, DeAngelo, Faby, Harrison, Hergenroeder, Robey, Brailey, Conaway,
Dixon, Douglass, C. A., Randolph, Cardin, Dean, Howell, Resnick, Sklar, Avara, Baumann.
Freeberger, Murphy, Rutkowski, Weisengoff, Wyatt, Grumbacher, Wagaman, Maddoxj
Mclnerney, Robertson, Shore, Becker, Bell, Docter, Koss, Maurer, Ruben, Zander, Owens,
Wiser, Byrnes, Reed, Williams, Beck, Matthews, Burgess, Nichols, Laws, Long, Bolden,
On motion of Delegate Arnick, duly seconded and two-thirds of all the
members-elect voting in the affirmative, the Rules were suspended by yeas
and nays as follows for the purpose of reporting bill same day as received.
McKay, Mitchell, Athey, Sachs, Thomason, Burkhead, Fallon, Helms, Allen. A. T.,
Hagner, Weidemeyer, Compton, Nimmerrichter, Arata, Malone, Needle, Rynd, Hopkins,
Price, Stroble, Boozer. Linton, Jones, Peters, Einschutz, Heffner, Rush, Arnick, Home,
Dize, Merryweather, Startt, Mackie, Dorman, Ross, Foley, Hull, King, Pesci, Redding,
Sullivan, Blumenthal, Donovan, Knoll, Miller, Rummage, Wolfgang, Hickman, C. M.,
Delphey, Virts, Cox, Greer, Livezey, Haxgreaves, Bonvegna. Dypski, Krysiak, Silk,
Walters, Antonelli, Brown, Chester, Douglass, J. W., Heintz, Raymond, Curran,
DeAngelo, Faby, Harrison, Hergenroeder, Robey. Brailey, Conaway, Dixon, Douglass,
C. A., Randolph, Cardin, Dean, Howell, Resnick, Sklar, Avara, Baumann, Freeberger,
Murphy, Rutkowski, Weisengoff, Wyatt, Grumbacher, Maddox. Mclnerney, Robertson,
Shore, Becker, Bell, Dooter, Koss, Maurer, Ruben, Zander, Owens, Wiser, Byrnes, Reed,
Williams, Beck, Matthews, Burgess, Nichols, Laws, Bolden. Total—111